Category: About Raqi
Section: Meaning of Raaqi
A Raaqi is a pHe will be somebody who firmly believes in Tawheed and is free from all types of shirk, kufr and misguidance and does not associate himself with beliefs/actions that may lead one to fall into any of these categories.He will be somebody who has firm belief in Allah, His Messenger and all other articles of faith.He is somebody other Muslims can account for (i.e. the person is known in the community as somebody who is pious, practicing, genuine etc.)He will be one who follows the Sunnah, acts according to it and will advise his patients to do the same.He will perform Ruqyah hoping for reward from Allah.He will perform Ruqyah seeking assistance from Allah alone without any partners/intermediaries to cure his patients and will ask for cure from Him.His Ruqyah will not stray into those methods which are prohibited by the Qur’an and Sunnah.His Ruqyah will be free from Shirk.His Ruqyah will not be for worldly gains (although charging is permissible, a reasonable price is recognisable from an overly-expensive treatment)Further conditions of a Raaqi1. He must have sincerity in worshipping Allah and have a good intention in treating people.2. He must be firm in his obedience to Allah, and keep away from all that is forbidden like wearing threads, rings, Amulet(Taweez), burning papers and drinking it. etc3. He must keep far away from all unlawful places and situations that can lead to what is forbidden, for example isolating himself with a female, etc.4. He must guard the affairs of his patients and protect their secrets.5. He must propagate the religion of Allah. Give the Patient advice and admonitions on the rights of Allah with regards to His commandments and prohibitions.6. He should have knowledge about the affairs of the patient and sicknesses.7. He should have knowledge about the reality of Jinns (so as not to have them harm or threaten him while curing the patient).erson who has studied and understands the science of Ruqyah according to Quran and Sunnah and who treats people and assists them in the treatment against Sihr(magic), Shirk(polytheism) and Jinn. There are many different methods of Ruqya, but what makes a person a true Raaqi is one who practices Ruqyah according to the Quran and Sunnah.The method that is adopted is simple, easy to understand, easy to learn by even non-ulema and is totally free from all Shirk and bida’ah related things.OR The term ‘Raaqi’ is used for an Islamic ‘Spiritual healer’ or exorcist and refers to someone who has knowledge of Islam, of Ruqyah treatment through education and experience, and performs Ruqyah treatment for individuals with ailments who are unable to perform Ruqyah upon themselves (self Ruqyah ). A person may not be able to perform Ruqyah on themselves if they are severely unwell or do not have sufficient knowledge or understanding of their ailment.
Section: Signs of a Genuine Raqi (One who is treating Patient)
1. He will be somebody who firmly believes in Tawheed and is free from all types of shirk, kufr and misguidance and does not associate himself with beliefs/actions that may lead one to fall into any of these categories.2. He will be somebody who has firm belief in Allah, His Messenger and all other articles of faith.3. He is somebody other Muslims can account for (i.e. the person is known in the community as somebody who is pious, practicing, genuine etc).4. He will be one who follows the Sunnah, acts according to it and will advise his patients to do the same.5. He will perform Ruqyah hoping for reward from Allah.6. He will perform Ruqyah seeking assistance from Allah alone without any partners/intermediaries to cure his patients and will ask for cure from Him.7. His Ruqyah will not stray into those methods which are prohibited by the Qur’an and Sunnah.8. His Ruqyah will be free from Shirk.9. His Ruqyah will not be for worldly gains (although charging is permissible, a reasonable price is recognisable from an overly-expensive treatment).Further conditions of a Raaqi1. He must have sincerity in worshipping Allah and have a good intention in treating people.2. He must be firm in his obedience to Allah, and keep away from all that is forbidden like wearing threads, rings, Amulet(Taweez), burning papers and drinking it. etc3. He must keep far away from all unlawful places and situations that can lead to what is forbidden, for example isolating himself with a female, etc.4. He must guard the affairs of his patients and protect their secrets.5. He must propagate the religion of Allah. Give the Patient advice and admonitions on the rights of Allah with regards to His commandments and prohibitions.6. He should have knowledge about the affairs of the patient and sicknesses.7. He should have knowledge about the reality of Jinns (so as not to have them harm or threaten him while curing the patient).
Section: The Minimum Requirement
The healer should be able to fluently read the Quran. The more he believes in the Quran and practices its teachings, the greater effect his recitation will have on the patient. While reciting the holy Quran, the healer has to focus on the meaning and feel the recitation. This will also make healing more efficient. Recitation needs to be powerful enough to remove sorcery and evil eye; therefore, the level of piousness of the healer needs to be defined. The conclusion reached is that the person must have experienced accepted prayers and obtained divine responses at least from time to time in difficult situations. In fact, being able to resolve serious problems by beseeching Allah and following teachings of Islam indicates a certain level of certitude in Allah and religious practice. It also shows that the person is accepted by Allah and their prayers are effective. The situation in the Ruqyah is similar: the healer appeals to Allah to cure the patient and uses Allah’s words from the Quran. It is obvious that the more faith we have, the more efficient we will be in healing; the level of faith is an important condition for a cure. Those who had negative experiences with their prayers being accepted should not be prevented from curing. However, if they do not succeed in having their prayers accepted (or do not even try to), I can only advise them to try their best to succeed in it because they do not know what Allah knows. It would be indeed a great pity to discover after death that none of their actions have been accepted. Besides there is never a guarantee that recitation will also be accepted and thus have any effect.It is possible to read the Quran fast, but what is more important is to feel each verse and word we read. With practice, the reader is able to concentrate more and more on the meaning of the Quran. While reciting, they understand that verses apply to the harm caused as well as to the jinn or sorcerer. They should remember that they serve as intermediary only ‘transmitting’ Quran to the patient in order to release them from sorcery. Healer needs to understand that it is Allah who addresses the sorcery or the jinn, the healer destroys the harm by uttering Allah’s words, and it is due to Allah’s will that the sorcery can be removed. The reader staying aside means that they concentrate on recitation, so they can feel that Allah is speaking and addressing the evil. Reader stays aside the whole time and does not have the power to influence the evil themselves; they are just a neutral intermediary. Let us imagine Allah’s anger toward transgressing jinns, and how much Allah hates sorcery. Try to hate what Allah hates and be angry for what makes him angry. A believer should have goodness and love but also anger and hatred when Allah demands so; see what Allah says about punishing sorcerers: “Let not compassion move you in their case in a manner prescribed by Allah – if you believe in Allah and the Last Days” 24/2. Let us imagine what Allah would tell them if he was talking to them, these are the words you are reciting to them.While reciting, the healer takes intention to remove the evil from the person, and any other unsuspected sorcery one may have. Also, it is important to make the intention for harm to be returned to the sender if it is sorcery (we know that this technique works, but we do not know if it works every time). This is a remedy against sorcerers added to the supplication of the victim. So, healers should always make this intention while curing people and ask victims to do the same during their treatment. Except in cases when you think the sorcerer will fight back and you prefer to simplify the situation. If all sorcerers’ victims were sending evil back then we would get rid of sorcerers quickly by the grace of Allah, and we would be able to cure and protect ourselves and our homes. It is not necessary to know by heart all verses to be recited, reading them from the Quran would be sufficient. However, it is necessary to be able to read the verses clearly and comfortably.
Section: The Risk
When treating jinns, we need to have constant protection because they often retaliate, once we remove them from people. The first protection is not to be afraid and to know that we are stronger than them with faith and Quran. Secondly, we should have no sin in our conscience: consciously disobeying Allah and refusing to repent creates a black point in our hearts which creates a window for jinns to attack. This will trigger both spiritual and physical weakening.For example, a man does not lower his gaze in front of a woman. A jinn comes in his dream in the shape of a desirable woman. The person again does not lower his gaze and remember Allah, and looks at the woman with desire. This man’s protection has weakened and he becomes a target for attack. Spirituality has gone down as well as physical well-being has suffered: he may have low energy levels and may catch flu. If this happens, we immediately need to repent and carry on fighting. We can consider the Ruqyah as a treatment to improve our spirituality since we cannot afford to drift away from the religion more than we already have.Very correct and strong brothers who perform Ruqyah (raqi) may be attacked by jinns who want to take revenge. These brothers may find it impossible to beat those jinns. This means the raqi have been bewitched. This the explanation that always comes up. The sorcery makes a gap in a person's defense mechanism so they cannot protect themselves against jinns. So if you notice that you cannot dominate jinns, immediately relate it to sorcery, cure yourself or have someone to cure you. Do not stop until you are cured and once you continue performing Ruqyah because if you don’t then it means you have failed the test and a great number of people will be deprived from the good you would have caused them otherwise. It is true that Allah will not put a person through the test which they cannot endure, so try to develop your potential and go beyond the test instead of renouncing and choosing the easy way out.Importantly, we need to get ready to receive the jinn: they come to retaliate in dreams in a form of a scary creature. Do not be scared, read Quran (the verse of the throne 2/255 is the most efficient, or else the Fatiha for those who do not know it); the jinn will burn and run away: that’s victory! The jinn are weakened and would not easily be back, and the person is strengthened in their faith and their self-confidence increases. We then proceed to the higher level: instead of reading to make the jinn run away in our dreams, we catch him so he does not escape and we recite until he dies. The jinn may struggle or read with you or do various things to destabilize you: do not pay any attention, do not stop reciting whatever he does until he dies. Sometimes, we wake up just before his death, which means that he ran away. Whether we succeeded in killing him or not, we can be sure that he will not come back. Also jinns wanting to enter you will quickly realise that the game is too risky for them as they can get killed. In fact, as soon as a jinn comes up in a visible or perceptible shape, in dream or in reality, he becomes vulnerable under this shape: if we kill him in the shape they have taken, we have really killed the jinn.Finally, we just need to chase two or three and kill one or two to be preserved from any other attempts from them. To remember what needs to be done in dreams, zikr needs to be dominating a person's mind at most of times. We must not allow ourselves to drift to futility and always have a little reflex reminding us of Allah: ‘’Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring Allah to remembrance, when lo! They see (aright)!’’ (7/201). Ideally, before sleep one needs to be determined after zikr to repeat the verse of the Throne 11 times. This will help us to be protected from the jinn in our sleep and catch the jinn in the dreams. If we miss the jinn in our dream, we should try to do better next time. The effective way of protection against jinns is being able to quickly detect them in our dream and recite Quran to them without hesitation. They then will not have the means to reach us and even run away from us.Recommend This Method To Your Patients Having NightmaresThey should read the verse of the Throne 11 times before sleeping (or the Fatiha if they do not know it) and be mentally determined to catch the evil whatever shape it takes and to recite the verse of the Throne to them. They may not succeed the first time. They will the second time; or the third. As they get used to reciting the verse in their dreams they will get more spontaneous and confident. Eventually they will try to catch the jinn and recite Quran in order to kill him/her. Then insha’Allah, the problem would be solved: either it will make the jinn run away, or weaken and neutralize him (which is a great progress), or finally, have the jinn killed. But above all, they would have improved their faith and their self-confidence and confidence in Allah, which is an invaluable result.If the person regularly cures patients from sorcery, he has to get ready for sorcerers' counter offensive: the wicked ones notice that their goal was not reached, so they go back to the sorcerer and demand results for the money they paid or pay again to get the expected results;. The sorcerer then conducts an investigation with the help of the jinns: they realise that you have cured a victim, and then they send the sorcery again for the victim and you, the healer. This is rare, and most of the time, sorcery has no follow up and there are no consequences in healing it. But if this happens for one person in twenty and if you cure twenty persons per week… you receive an average of one sorcery per week, of high grade because it is meant for a healer, not an ordinary person. So if you regularly or often cure, you should be on alert to any sign of sorcery, jinn or evil eye and should not hesitate to cure yourself and your family as much as needed. I would advise you as a prevention to bath with a bottle of Quran any time you take a shower. Always prepare a large number of bottles and bath with it all year long, before encountering problems, this way you will avoid problems insha’Allah. If you are a beginner, you should be in contact with a professional raqi and consult them from time to time. Also, treat the place where you cure: once a month is reasonable or as soon as you notice alarming signs such as family members fall sick, or you lose energy and enthusiasm, or your encounter difficulties in achieving simple things, etc… Also perfume the area in order to attract angels and chase devils and bad jinns away.
Section: The Non-Risk
We would like to comfort readers on risks associated with curing the needy. We would like more people to get involved because the scourge is so widespread that the curing capacity must become common.A mother should be able to cure her children against evil eye; there is no risk here. A practicing Muslim should be able to remove eaten sorcery for his friends and family, here too there is no risk. When you or your family or your house have already been attacked, risk no longer applies. Since you are already in the situation you must fight back because being actionless will not save you. In short, for a serious practicing Muslim, who endeavors to pray on time, avoids most prohibited offenses, progresses in the religion learning, and improves their spirituality, it is strongly recommended to know about Ruqyah rudiments to be able to act in case there is no professional around when needed.Some excellent brothers, perfectly competent, refuse to get involved in Ruqyah for fears of sorcerers reprisals to them and their family. Subhan Allah! Sorcerers do not fear Allah and Hell, believers and their prayers, and we, in truth, fighting for the good, will be scared of the devil and his allies?! Then Satan henchmen will massacre us without us even trying. Of course, we will face all kinds of hardships as well our families for the sake of Ruqyah, but we would have cured hundreds of people insha’Allah, and we will win all the battles by the grace of Allah as long as we stick to Allah’s path, and “Allah helps the servant as long as the latter helps his fellow brother”. In the distress, Allah will bring you angels, Muslim jinns or decisive dreams to help you in shaAllah, and the evil from the wicked ones will go back to them and the final victory is for the pious ones.
Section: The Commitment
To those willing to get more involved, a piece of advice: have no other goal in your life but Allah, then everything will be alright. All problems you face will be a fortification for your faith, a forgiveness of your sins, a cause for repentance, an increase to your experience. I never saw in my life an activity increasing faith more than Ruqyah, not to mention it allowing you to preach Islam to men and jinns as well as gaining good actions and blessings from people you cure. It may also generate decent income, preventing you from getting involved in prohibited financial activities, which harms the image of the practicing Muslim as well as the Muslim themselves. I wrote in “the spiritual path” that you should only get involved in this field by divine authorisation. You can consider the urgent need around you and the information I am exposing in this book as well as the obligation in Islam to assist your fellow Muslim and acceptance of some of your prayers as a divine invitation to start.Help people as much as you can, but not more. Do not give up other activities you consider important. Do not unbalance your family life. Do not face situations that are beyond your control. You will have to refuse some services: you should favor general and long term interest. You will be solicited from everywhere and at any time: set limits.Ask Your Customers To Help YouSome people will stress you for little outcomes: nothing forces you to get yourself into an uncomfortable situation for them; refuse to bear them. Do not be too emotionally involved: do not suffer in the place of others, just help them. Beseech Allah for any embarrassing situation, but for easy ones too. Collaborate with your colleagues.Try to organise yourself: make files for your patients, keep a follow-up, record your successes and failures. We need to be organized in our profession to assist its development.
Section: The Main Intention For Becoming A Raqi
As Sheikh Jibreen (R) said, you should not be concerned with making money. In fact, you shouldn’t get into this field because you don’t have a job or you need money to get married because this intention for money, itself, will affect the effectiveness of your Ruqyah on people and it can be a way for satan to destroy your Ruqyah by making you obsessed with money, women and the dunya in general. How many a raqi have fallen into fitna because of money and women!No one can deny that not wanting money and just helping Muslims for the sake of Allah is better than the person who wants and demands money for his Ruqyah services! We are not saying that it is haram to charge for ruqya. We are just saying that it is better not to charge for ruqya.Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymeeyah (Rahimahullah) said,“For the Exorcist [the Raaqi] such a person is a soldier of Allah, he is a Mujaahid for the sake of Allah, and this is from the greatest forms of Jihad, so he should be careful, lest the enemy overcome him by his sins. If the circumstances are beyond his capacity, he should remember that ‘Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity.’ He should not expose himself to tribulation by taking on what he is unable to handle” [Ibn Taymeeyah’s Essay on the Jinn, pp 69-72]He also said, “It is not right that someone is scared of learning this knowledge [of Ruqyah ] and practising it, because it is an act of worship, and jihad for the sake of Allah, the Exalted. The servants of Allah who stick to his limits are within the safekeeping of Allah, his protection, his care, and his preservation.” In explaining this, he said, “The Prophets and the pious people who followed them fought against the enemies of Allah, from the jinn and the men, and they repelled them with whatever permissible means that they were able, and they would remove the jinn from the bodies of people, as ‘Eesa and our Messenger Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both) did.” The purpose of jihad is to make the word of Allah the highest, and the word of those who disbelieve the lowest. The Raaqi is the one who puts himself in danger, fighting against the Shayateen to achieve this aim. [Al Majmoo al Fataawa Ibn Taymeeyah] After reading what Ibn Taymeeyah said, we shouldn’t have any regrets about becoming a raqi.
Section: The Benefits Of Not Taking Money
One of the benefits of not taking money for Ruqyah is that you find that the patients make a lot of dua for you even when you don’t request dua. We have to remember that the patients who are under sihr are actually being oppressed by a sahir and jinn so when they make dua to Allah for you then there is no barrier between it and Allah and therefore it is NOT like the dua of a normal Muslim. I believe these duas are one of reasons that I have been able to help many Muslims especially with diagnosis. I am certain that these duas have also helped me in other spheres of my life.Another benefit in not requesting or demanding money is that you are able to purify your intentions and make sure that you are ONLY helping Muslims for the sake of Allah. When you do this work solely for the sake of Allah, you will find that Allah helps you in many ways from protection from jinn, to diagnosis/treatment of patients and from the fitna of women. You will even find Allah’s help in understanding this knowledge of ruqya. From my experience, in general, I would say the most knowledgeable raqis in this field that I have come across are those who don’t charge for ruqya.Another benefit of not charging for Ruqyah is that you do not have any pressure on you to produce results. Obviously, the cure is from Allah but many of the lay Muslims will blame the raqi for not improving the patient’s situation. If you are not charging then you don’t really care about what people say regarding your ruqya.If you make Ruqyah the means for feeding your family then you inevitably must show a very high success rate or you won’t have enough patients to pay your bills. This unnecessary pressure on a raqi to produce results can cause the raqi to fall into the following issues:1. A charging raqi may lie or exaggerate their success rate so as to attract more patients to his clinic.2. Instead of warning and ordering the jinn to leave the patient, a charging raqi could get very desperate for results so he ends up begging or pleading with the jinn to leave the body. We should never beg or plead with the jinn for anything as this could be classed as the major shirk of calling on others beside Allah in some cases.3. A charging raqi may find himself getting so desperate to produce results that he ends up using the help of the jinn to solve the patient’s problem, which is a major shirk.4. A charging raqi may speak ill or backbite other raqis who are on the sunnah so as to diminish their popularity.5. A charging raqi might not recommend any other raqis who can help the patient because he wants all the money for himself.6. A charging raqi may try to refute what others are doing even when he knows that no proof can be found.7. A charging raqi might change his opinion regarding certain Ruqyah principles because it suits his business. So you may find a raqi agreeing with the opinion that self Ruqyah is dangerous because self Ruqyah is bad for his business.A charging raqi might believe that a patient is fully cured when their ‘life gets better’ because it suits his business and he can therefore claim more success. The opinion that a patient is only fully cured when they no longer react to Ruqyah diagnosis is not good for his business and so it gets rejected.8. A charging raqi might not want to share his knowledge with other people because he fears that they will compete with him in the Ruqyah business.9. A charging raqi might not encourage people to do self Ruqyah because it is not good for his business.10. A charging raqi might go to extremes in beating or hitting the jinn in the patient because he needs quick results. He may even use dangerous high voltage electricity on patients, which could kill patients, because he is desperate for results.
Section: Being Patient And Keeping Calm With Patients
There is a lot of confusion out there regarding the science of Ruqyah so it is imperative that raqis are patient and calm when teaching and advising Muslims. You may get the same question being asked several times by the same patient or others. It can be mentally tiring to keep repeating yourself but you must remember that most patients will find it difficult to grasp concepts or ideas because the possessing jinn are playing with their minds and emotions.Most patients will just need your help to gain confidence about Ruqyah so even if they get clear results during self diagnosis, they just need to hear you tell them that they have spiritual illness. You just need to remember that you were once in their shoes, lacking confidence and not fully understanding the topic.It is essential that you take some time off from answering questions so that you can relax and tend to your needs and your family’s. If you don’t do that then you are more likely to lash out and get angry at patients. TAKE A BREAK! You will be a better raqi!
Section: Your Studies Of The Science Of Ruqya
You must sit down and learn this science by studying, there is no way around this. The more you know, the better the raqi you become.The Following Is Brief Study Plan For A Prospective Raqi1. Study the books: ‘Kitab Tawheed’ and ‘Kashfa Shoubahat’ by Imam Mohammad Abdul-Wahab. ‘Aqeedah Wasatiya’ and ‘Essay on the Jinn’ by Imam Ibn Taymeeyah. You should study these books by listening to Youtube lectures from the following channels: Criterion Productions (Luton Islamic Centre), Green Lane Masjid, Masjid Humera (of Ustadh Murtaza Khan) and Brixton Masjid.2. Study this article ‘The Problems with Jinn Catching’, and understand why it is a bidah, focusing particularly on the fatawa from YOU MUST GET INTO YOUR HEAD THAT WE DON’T ASK OR NEED JINN’S HELP. We also don’t like speaking to jinn because it could lead to shirk. We must not even use jinn to do diagnosis or any form of treatment.3. The next article that you should read is ‘101 Important Ruqyah Principles’ and then the ‘Importance of Ruqyah Diagnosis’, followed by ‘How Sins Affect Possessed Muslims’. After these, you may watch the videos in order and then finish reading the rest of the regarding Ruqyah on authentic websites.4. You need to learn hijama from a reputable hijamist or institute. Your aim is not to become a professional hijamist but to become a raqi that can offer the JET treatment to your patients.5. Learn the following parts of the Quran with tajweed (and that means you must recite these surahs and ayahs to your local imam or qari): Surahs Fatiha, Ikhlas & last two Quls. Also Ayah Kursi and the last two ayahs of Surah Baqarah. THAT’S ALL YOU NEED FOR READING ON PEOPLE.
Section: Your Protection Adhkar
As we mentioned earlier from Ibn Taymeeyah, if you do Ruqyah for the sake of Allah then he will protect you and this is obviously to do with thinking well of Allah.The additional things you can do for protection are:1. Keeping away from committing major sins or continuously doing the same minor sins.2. Morning and evening adhkar (please refer to the book Hisnul Muslim)3. The Quls after every salah.4. Adkhar before sleeping, the minimum being the Quls and Ayah Kursi5. Praying 2 rakah protection salah before you leave your home and then praying them again when you enter your home 6. After magrib and fajr prayers, you say the below dhikr 10 times before you speak to anyone, reply to someone’s salam or move out of the tashahud position. Through this dhikr, Allah will protect you from every harm and He will also protect you from the shaytan. There is also a lot of reward to be gained from saying this dhikr. لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Transliteration: Laa ‘ilaaha ‘illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer.Translation: None has the right to be worshiped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the praise. He brings life and He causes death, and He is Able to do all things. (Ten times after the Maghrib and Fajr prayers.)(At-Tirmizi 5/515, Ahmad 4/227, Zadul-Ma’ad 1/300).7 Ajwa Dates For Protection Against SihrEating 7 ajwa dates in the morning gives you protection against sihr because of the hadith:Al-Bukhaari (5445) and Muslim (2047) narrated from Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqaas that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Whoever eats seven ‘ajwah dates in the morning, will not be harmed by any poison or witchcraft that day.”We would NOT recommend that you take 7 ajwa dates everyday but you should take them whenever you feel that someone is trying to do sihr on you or when you visit a particular house, city, region or country that is well known for sihr.Because of the situation you may find yourself in, it may mean that you occasionally take 7 ajwa dates for 2 or 3 weeks continuously or until the threat of sihr disappears.You should take the 7 ajwa dates on an empty stomach after praying fajr and you should wait an hour for them to digest and then you may have your breakfast.
Section: Acts Of Worship & Things To Avoid For A Raqi
These things that we will mention are also important for patients but they are more important for the raqi because he is dealing with more jinn.If the tahajjud prayer can be added to this list then that would be excellent.Acts Of Worship1. Pray all 5 Salah in congregation in a masjid. If you live in a Non-Muslim country and live far away from a masjid then try and get at least 2 prayers in the masjid, especially fajr and isha.2. Do all adhkar after the salah especially the Quls and the tasbih (saying subhanullah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times etc)3. Pray all Sunnah prayers at home so your home and family gets blessed and your home doesn’t become like a graveyard.4. Make istighfar (seek forgiveness from Allah) throughout the day.5. Pay sadaqa everyday even if it is a very little. Do this via online or drop a few pennies or cents into the sadaqa box in your local masjid.6. Keep your wudu throughout the day and night. Whenever you lose it, re-do it.7. Constantly remembering Allah is watching you and doing dhikr at the same time. YOU SHOULD STOP & PONDER ON THIS IMPORTANT POINT VERY CAREFULLY. You should always feel aware that Allah is watching you wherever you are and whatever you are doing and you should do dhikr with your tongue as well at the same time. If this feeling of awareness of Allah watching you or your dhikr of Allah gets disrupted because of your work or family then make istighfar even though this is NOT a real sin that you have committed. You do the istighfar because you “feel guilty” that you allowed the dunya to disrupt the intensity of your remembrance of Allah. To do this action is actually a sunnah (Muslim 4: 2075)We must remember that the Nabi salulahu alayhi wasalam used to make regular istighfar and he wasn’t committing any sins SO WHAT ABOUT US THEN! He would make istighfar when his heart became preoccupied or his dhikr of Allah got reduced (Muslim 4: 2075). If you understand this point properly and you experience the love of Allah in your heart because of this sunnah then you will NEVER allow certain things (such as watching or following a football team) to corrupt or disrupt your dhikr and awareness of Allah.8. Keep your beard long (if you are a woman then wear proper islamic hijab) and don’t trim it until it gets to a fistful length. If you are one of those who can’t grow a long beard, then you shouldn’t be trimming it in the first place.
Section: Things To Be Stopped Or Avoided
1. Avoid sitting with people who are more concerned about the dunya than the akhirah except for dawah or giving them advice. This is because you could end up sinning with them in speech (back-bitting) or in action (watching or doing something haram)2. Don’t deliberately hurt, mock or laugh at Muslims because of their incorrect understanding of Ruqyah and of Islam in general.3. Stop watching useless programmes on the TV or your mobile phone such as dramas, soap operas, TV series and entertainment programmes and NEVER WATCH FILMS OR LISTEN TO MUSIC.With good intentions, You can watch news or current affairs or science programmes or important documentaries but even here you have to be careful with lowering your gaze and sometimes having to mute the music.With regards to sports on TV, then if you are going to watch them with the intention to help motivate yourself to do exercise then I think that would be fine since motivation can be difficult to achieve sometimes and any help in this area is most welcomed. If you also watch them to learn new skills which you can use during your own exercise thereby making your exercise even more enjoyable then I do not see any problems in this. In fact, this will make you do more exercise since you are enjoying yourself and therefore you will forget that you are actually exercising. This is one of the benefits of being good at a particular sport.4. Always speak to female patients or students formally and respectfully without being harsh or rude.5. Avoid treating with ruqya, women who don’t wear proper islamic hijab.If you keep to the above then inshallah you would have closed several doors to sins. It is sins that make a raqi weak against the jinn.
Section: Gaining Practical Ruqyah Experience
You should use the following plan in order for you to gain experience in reading Ruqyah on people.Ruqyah is an act of worship and action that you have to see being done so try and watch an authentic raqi in action by requesting permission to watch a Ruqyah session. If this is not possible then try to watch some authentic YouTube videos and then move onto diagnose and treat yourself and your family.When you have definitely decided to read Ruqyah on someone then we strongly recommend that you pray istikharah and then teach them the effects of sins and that it is sins that cause jinn to speak and make mischief and chaos in patients. Then tell them about having a sincere beseeching heart that wants the Ruqyah from Allah.You should offer free Ruqyah to Muslims and tell them that they should accept Ruqyah when it has been offered to them because the Nabi (salulahu alayhi wasalam) accepted the Ruqyah from Jibril (alayhi salam) when it was offered.1. Firstly, you should do self Ruqyah on yourself, diagnosis and then treatment, if you need it. (It is possible to do Ruqyah on people even while you yourself are suffering and treating your own spiritual illnesses)2. Diagnose and treat your family and relatives.3. Diagnose and treat some of your friends.4. Finally, diagnose and treat other Muslims.
Section: Extreme Possessing Jinn Cases
You should not worry about extreme jinn cases since you would have already told potential patients to be very careful about committing sins. It is sins that cause jinn to speak and cause havoc and chaos in a patient and his home. Please refer to this article ‘how sins affect possessed muslims and why jinn speak in them’.We would strongly recommend that you don’t treat or disgnose any patients who have manifesting jinn i.E. Speaking, crying, laughing etc. This is because it can be very dangerous. You should focus on getting the patient to stop sinning and making tauba and paying sadaqa to remove sins. Once the patient has completely changed their life and the jinn no longer manifests and speaks, you can diagnose and then treat them. We must remember that the sins of the patient will make Ruqyah less effective, hence the importance of stopping sins.In general there is no need to touch female patients but if a jinnee does completely manifest in a female patient and the mahram is unable to restrain or control her jinnee then you can help the mahram out of necessity. Don’t just sit back and leave the mahram to deal with the situation especially when the jinnee starts attacking the patient or if the jinnee tries to make the patient jump out of the window. In such situations it becomes wajib for the raqi to intervene to stop the jinn from killing the patient if the raqi can see that the mahram can’t control the situation.In order to prepare yourself for extreme jinn cases then you need to watch a video ‘practical self Ruqyah part 3’. In this video, there are some guidelines regarding how to control people with extreme jinn manifestation.
Section: Conclusion
The whole point of this article is to remove the fear of becoming a raqi and to instill and foster some appreciation of the importance of a raqi and to encourage a person to become a raqi.It is not obligatory to become a raqi but you shouldn’t stop becoming one because you are afraid of jinn.One of the best deeds you can do after your obligatory ones, is to help your fellow Muslims and we hope and pray to Allah that some Muslims, BOTH sisters and brothers, take up the challenge and become raqis and with Allah is the success and cure!