Section: Things To Be Stopped Or Avoided


1. Avoid sitting with people who are more concerned about the dunya than the akhirah except for dawah or giving them advice. This is because you could end up sinning with them in speech (back-bitting) or in action (watching or doing something haram)2. Don’t deliberately hurt, mock or laugh at Muslims because of their incorrect understanding of Ruqyah and of Islam in general.3. Stop watching useless programmes on the TV or your mobile phone such as dramas, soap operas, TV series and entertainment programmes and NEVER WATCH FILMS OR LISTEN TO MUSIC.With good intentions, You can watch news or current affairs or science programmes or important documentaries but even here you have to be careful with lowering your gaze and sometimes having to mute the music.With regards to sports on TV, then if you are going to watch them with the intention to help motivate yourself to do exercise then I think that would be fine since motivation can be difficult to achieve sometimes and any help in this area is most welcomed. If you also watch them to learn new skills which you can use during your own exercise thereby making your exercise even more enjoyable then I do not see any problems in this. In fact, this will make you do more exercise since you are enjoying yourself and therefore you will forget that you are actually exercising. This is one of the benefits of being good at a particular sport.4. Always speak to female patients or students formally and respectfully without being harsh or rude.5. Avoid treating with ruqya, women who don’t wear proper islamic hijab.If you keep to the above then inshallah you would have closed several doors to sins. It is sins that make a raqi weak against the jinn.


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