Section: The Benefits Of Not Taking Money
One of the benefits of not taking money for Ruqyah is that you find that the patients make a lot of dua for you even when you don’t request dua. We have to remember that the patients who are under sihr are actually being oppressed by a sahir and jinn so when they make dua to Allah for you then there is no barrier between it and Allah and therefore it is NOT like the dua of a normal Muslim. I believe these duas are one of reasons that I have been able to help many Muslims especially with diagnosis. I am certain that these duas have also helped me in other spheres of my life.Another benefit in not requesting or demanding money is that you are able to purify your intentions and make sure that you are ONLY helping Muslims for the sake of Allah. When you do this work solely for the sake of Allah, you will find that Allah helps you in many ways from protection from jinn, to diagnosis/treatment of patients and from the fitna of women. You will even find Allah’s help in understanding this knowledge of ruqya. From my experience, in general, I would say the most knowledgeable raqis in this field that I have come across are those who don’t charge for ruqya.Another benefit of not charging for Ruqyah is that you do not have any pressure on you to produce results. Obviously, the cure is from Allah but many of the lay Muslims will blame the raqi for not improving the patient’s situation. If you are not charging then you don’t really care about what people say regarding your ruqya.If you make Ruqyah the means for feeding your family then you inevitably must show a very high success rate or you won’t have enough patients to pay your bills. This unnecessary pressure on a raqi to produce results can cause the raqi to fall into the following issues:1. A charging raqi may lie or exaggerate their success rate so as to attract more patients to his clinic.2. Instead of warning and ordering the jinn to leave the patient, a charging raqi could get very desperate for results so he ends up begging or pleading with the jinn to leave the body. We should never beg or plead with the jinn for anything as this could be classed as the major shirk of calling on others beside Allah in some cases.3. A charging raqi may find himself getting so desperate to produce results that he ends up using the help of the jinn to solve the patient’s problem, which is a major shirk.4. A charging raqi may speak ill or backbite other raqis who are on the sunnah so as to diminish their popularity.5. A charging raqi might not recommend any other raqis who can help the patient because he wants all the money for himself.6. A charging raqi may try to refute what others are doing even when he knows that no proof can be found.7. A charging raqi might change his opinion regarding certain Ruqyah principles because it suits his business. So you may find a raqi agreeing with the opinion that self Ruqyah is dangerous because self Ruqyah is bad for his business.A charging raqi might believe that a patient is fully cured when their ‘life gets better’ because it suits his business and he can therefore claim more success. The opinion that a patient is only fully cured when they no longer react to Ruqyah diagnosis is not good for his business and so it gets rejected.8. A charging raqi might not want to share his knowledge with other people because he fears that they will compete with him in the Ruqyah business.9. A charging raqi might not encourage people to do self Ruqyah because it is not good for his business.10. A charging raqi might go to extremes in beating or hitting the jinn in the patient because he needs quick results. He may even use dangerous high voltage electricity on patients, which could kill patients, because he is desperate for results.