Category: Ruqyah Materials
Section: Using the Sidr Leaves
Arabic name: Sidr (سدر) Scientific name: Zizyphus Spina-ChristiA group of scholars said that Sidr is an effective cure of magic,Allah Willing.How To UseTake seven leaves of a green Sidr, grind them with two rocks, add water to it, read the verse of Al-Kursi and Al-Qawakil, take three sips, then wash up with the rest. This will remove all of his afflictions, and is a cure for men who have sexual disorders (Fath Al-Bari -10/233).Al-Qawakil are the Surahs that starts with Qul, ‘Say’, in the Quran; they are:1. Al-Jinn (The Jinn)2. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers )3. Al-Ikhlas (Purity)4. Al-Falaq (The Dawn)5. Al-Nas (Mankind).Al-Lalkaii (R) said that Mohamed ibn Othman (R) related that Said bin Mohamed Al-Hanat (R) stated: ”Ishaq ibn Abi Israel (R) said ‘ I heard Sufyan (R) says that Sulayman ibn Omaya (R) (Sheikhh of Thaqif) ibn Masoud (RA) heard Aisha (RA) advise a woman to use Sidr and water to wash the traces of magic (Sharh Usul Itiqad Ahl Al-Sunah wa Al-Jamaa -7/1288).His Honor, Sheikhh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Baz, (May Allah have Mercy on Him) said that the cure of magic after its affliction is beneficial, Allah Willing.A man who can not have sexual intercourse with his wife is advised to take seven green leaves of Sidr, grind it, put it in a water container enough for washing up. He should read the verse of1. Ayatul Qursi2. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)3. Al-Ikhlas (Purity)4. Al-Falaq (The Dawn)5. Al-Nas (Mankind).He should also read the verses of magic as stated in Black Magic Section of this app.After reading the above verses, one needs to take three sips from it, then wash up with the rest. This will remove the affliction, Allah Willing; if necessary, it could be repeated twice or more until one is cured (Majmu Fatawi Sheikhh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Baz).It is worth mentioning that using the water of Sidr leaves in the stated manner has a great effect, and lots of therapists are aware of this fact. However, its benefit is not only confined to men who can not have intercourse with their wives, but also includes those afflicted with epilepsy, evil eye and magic in general (used for washing only).Some scholars suggested to recite these ayats in sidr leave’s water:1. Surah al-Fatiha (3 times)2. Surah al-Baqarah 2:1-5 (Surah b2, Ayah 1 to 5)3. Surah al-Baqarah 2:1024. Surah al-Baqarah 2:163-1645. Surah al-Baqarah 2:255 (Ayat al-Kursi ── 3 times)6. Surah al-Baqarah 2:256-2577. Surah al-Baqarah 2:285-2868. Surah aal-e Imraan 3:18-199. Surah aal-e Imraan 3:26-2710. Surah al-A’araaf 7:113-12211. Surah Yunus 10:76-8212. Surah Ta-Haa 20:65-7013. Surah al-Mo’minoon 23:115-11814. Surah as-Saffaat 37:1-1015. Surah al-Ahqaaf 46:29:3216. Surah ar-Rahmaan 55:33-3617. Surah al-Hashr 59:20-2418. Surah al-Qalam 68:51-5219. Surah Ikhlaas (Surah b112 ── 3 times)20. Surah al-Falaq (Surah b113 ── 3 times)21. Surah an-Naas (Surah b114 ── 3 times)Then make following du’a’s أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ، اشْفِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِي لاَ شِفَاءَ إِلاَّ شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا Transliteration: (Adh-hibil ba’sa rabbannas, wa antash shafi laa shifaa-a illa shifaa-uka shifaa-an la yughadiru saqama.Translation: Take away the disease, O the Lord of the people! Cure him as You are the One Who cures. There is no cure but Yours, a cure that leaves no disease. – (al-Bukhari). بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ أَرْقِيْكَ مِنْ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ يُؤْذِيْكَ مِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ نَفْسٍ أَوْ عَيْنِ حَاسِدٍ اَللَّهُ يَشْفِيْكَ بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ أَرْقِيْكَ Transliteration: Bismillahi arqika min kulli shayin yu'dhika min sharri kulli nafsin aw 'ainin haasidin. Allahu yashfika bismillahi arqika.Translation: In the name of Allah I exercise you from everything and safeguard you from every evil that may harm you and from the eye of a jealous one. Allah would cure you and I invoke the name of Allah for you. – (Muslim)Do it everyday, it’s the best. If you can’t do it daily, do it every third day. If you can’t do it, do this at least once a week ── Try to make it on Friday (optional) and make du’a’ on Friday between ‘Asr and Maghrib.
Section: Senna
123. Drinking Senna To Treat Witchcraft
IntroductionSenna Leaves Another Authentic Medicine Of The Prophet (saw) Mentioned In Many Hadith Used To Make Tea And Drunk At Night Time.
Drinking Senna To Treat WitchcraftSenna Is Regarded As One Of The Most Beneficial Laxative Medicines Narrated From The Prophet (saw). If The Substance Used For Witchcraft Is Still Inside The Body, Attempts Must Be Made To Get Rid Of It, Either By Vomiting If Possible, Or If The Patient Cannot Do That, He Should Be Given A Drink Of Senna. Many Of Those Who Were Afflicted With Witchcraft Have Tried It And It Has Been Of Great Benefit By Allaah Swt's Leave.The Virtue Of Senna Is Narrated In The Sunnah it Was Narrated From Asma' Bint 'umays That The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Asked Her: "what Do You Use As A Laxative?" She Said: "spurge." He Said: "hot, Hot." She Said: Then I Used Senna As A Laxative And The Prophet (saw) Said: "if There Were Anything In Which There Is A Cure For Death, It Would Be Senna." (al-tirmidhi, 6/254, 256)it Was Narrated That Ibn 'abbaas (ra) Said: The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Said: "the Best Medicines Which You Use Are Those Which Are Administered Through The Side Of The Mouth, Nose Drops, Cupping And Laxatives."narrated And Classed As Hasan By Al-tirmidhi; Narrated And Classed As Saheeh By Al-haakim And By Abu Na'eem In Tibb Al-nabawi.administering Medicine Through The Side Of The Mouth (ladood): This Means Inserting The Medicine With Finger. The Arabic Word Ladood Comes From The Phrase Ladeed Al-waadi (the Side Of The Valley). Nose Drops Refers To The Medicine That Is Placed Through The Nose Or Is Given By Means Of Inhaling Through The Mouth. Laxatives Are Medicines Given To Make One Was Narrated From Asma' Bint 'umays That The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Entered Upon Her One Day And She Had Some Spurge Which She Was Grinding. He Said: "what Are You Going To Make With That?" She Said: "we Drink It." He Said: "if Anything Were To Ward Off Death Or Be Of Benefit Against Death, It Would Be Senna." al-haakim Said: This Hadeeth Has A Saheeh Isnaad, And Al-dhahabi Agreed With Him.mustadrak Al-haakim, From The Hadeeth Of 'umar Ibn Al-khattab.ibn Maajah Narrated In His Sunan, In Kitaab Al-tibb (the Book Of Medicine) That Ibraaheem Ibn Abi 'ablah Said: I Heard Abu Ubayy Ibn Umm Haraam, Who Had Prayed With The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Facing Both Qiblahs, Say: I Heard The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Say: "you Should Use Senna And Sanoot, For In Them There Is Healing For Every Disease, Except Al-saam." It Was Said: "o Messenger Of Allaah (saw) What Is Al-saam?" He Said: "death."Sanoot May Refer To Dill Or Honey. Ibn Maajah, Kitaab Al-tibb, Hadeeth No. 3457. (translator)
Drinking Senna To Treat WitchcraftSenna Is Regarded As One Of The Most Beneficial Laxative Medicines Narrated From The Prophet (saw). If The Substance Used For Witchcraft Is Still Inside The Body, Attempts Must Be Made To Get Rid Of It, Either By Vomiting If Possible, Or If The Patient Cannot Do That, He Should Be Given A Drink Of Senna. Many Of Those Who Were Afflicted With Witchcraft Have Tried It And It Has Been Of Great Benefit By Allaah Swt's Leave.The Virtue Of Senna Is Narrated In The Sunnah it Was Narrated From Asma' Bint 'umays That The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Asked Her: "what Do You Use As A Laxative?" She Said: "spurge." He Said: "hot, Hot." She Said: Then I Used Senna As A Laxative And The Prophet (saw) Said: "if There Were Anything In Which There Is A Cure For Death, It Would Be Senna." (al-tirmidhi, 6/254, 256)it Was Narrated That Ibn 'abbaas (ra) Said: The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Said: "the Best Medicines Which You Use Are Those Which Are Administered Through The Side Of The Mouth, Nose Drops, Cupping And Laxatives."narrated And Classed As Hasan By Al-tirmidhi; Narrated And Classed As Saheeh By Al-haakim And By Abu Na'eem In Tibb Al-nabawi.administering Medicine Through The Side Of The Mouth (ladood): This Means Inserting The Medicine With Finger. The Arabic Word Ladood Comes From The Phrase Ladeed Al-waadi (the Side Of The Valley). Nose Drops Refers To The Medicine That Is Placed Through The Nose Or Is Given By Means Of Inhaling Through The Mouth. Laxatives Are Medicines Given To Make One Was Narrated From Asma' Bint 'umays That The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Entered Upon Her One Day And She Had Some Spurge Which She Was Grinding. He Said: "what Are You Going To Make With That?" She Said: "we Drink It." He Said: "if Anything Were To Ward Off Death Or Be Of Benefit Against Death, It Would Be Senna." al-haakim Said: This Hadeeth Has A Saheeh Isnaad, And Al-dhahabi Agreed With Him.mustadrak Al-haakim, From The Hadeeth Of 'umar Ibn Al-khattab.ibn Maajah Narrated In His Sunan, In Kitaab Al-tibb (the Book Of Medicine) That Ibraaheem Ibn Abi 'ablah Said: I Heard Abu Ubayy Ibn Umm Haraam, Who Had Prayed With The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Facing Both Qiblahs, Say: I Heard The Messenger Of Allaah (saw) Say: "you Should Use Senna And Sanoot, For In Them There Is Healing For Every Disease, Except Al-saam." It Was Said: "o Messenger Of Allaah (saw) What Is Al-saam?" He Said: "death."Sanoot May Refer To Dill Or Honey. Ibn Maajah, Kitaab Al-tibb, Hadeeth No. 3457. (translator)
124. How To Prepare The Drink
how To Use:take 1 Table Spoon Of Senna Leaves In A Pot, And Boil In 500ml (0.5l) Of Quranic Water.add Honey To Taste.drink In The Morning Half An Hour Before Breakfast.drink No More Than Six Days.ingredients1. quarter Teaspoon Of Pure Senna Leaves2. 300ml Of Water3. sugar Or Honey To Tastethe Sick Person Should Go And Get Some Senna And Put It In A Vessel Containing A Litre Of Water. This Should Be Boiled On The Fire, Then Strained And Left To Cool. Then The Sick Person Should Drink Three Cups Of It On An Empty Stomach. Honey May Be Added To Sweeten It. After That The Sick Person Will Experience A Strong Loosening Of The Bowels. The Effects Of The Drink Should Appear Within Seven Hours And Last Up To Twenty Two Hours, And May Be Accompanied By A Mild Stomachache, But Without Any Infection In The Intestines. When The Senna Drink Begins To Take Effect, It Will Void All The Dirt That Is In The Stomach, And Thus The Substance Used For Witchcraft Will Be Expelled - If Allaah Swt Wills. This Has Been Tried In Many Cases And Has Been Beneficial, By The Bounty And Grace Of Allaah Swt.dr. Muhammad 'ali Al-baar Has Written A Paper On Senna And Its Virtue According To The Sunnah, And He Spoke A Great Deal About Its Medical Benefits. Among Other Things He Said:"senna Is Regarded As A Gentle Stool Softener And Is Not Harmful. It Works Directly On The Colon. It Is An Effective Laxative And Is A Good Medicine With No Side Effects, Well Balanced And Dry. Its Beneficial Effects Include Working Against Depressing Thoughts, Cracks In The Feet, Tension In The Muscles, The Spread Of Hair, Lice, Scabies, Pustules And Itching. If It Is Cooked In Olive Oil And Drunk, It Expels Putrid Matter. It Is Also Effective Against Pain In The Back And Hips. One Of The Features Of Senna Is That It Expels Black Bile And Phlegm And Strengthens The Heart. It Is Also Useful In The Case Of Chronic Headaches And Epilepsy; It Gets Rid Of Haemorrhoids; It Is Useful In The Case Of Constipation As A Stool Softener And Laxative. There Is Hardly Any Stool Softener Or Laxative In The Pharmacy That Does Not Contain Senna. There Is No Doubt That Senna Is One Of The Best Stool Softeners Available."senna Has An Impact On Your Bowels So It Is Best Not To Consume Too Much.1. When You Brew Small Quantity, It Will Come Out Green And This Is Normal For Weight Loss.2. When You Brew A Big Qty, It Will Come Out Red And This Is For Black Magic And Constipation.Please Remember, Senna Tea Dehydrates You So Ensure To Drink Water During The Day To Replenish.
125. Do Not Drink If You Are Suffering From
1. heart Disease2. stomach Pain3. nausea4.’s Effects: drinking Senna May Give You Stomach Cramps And Is A Recommended Remedy To Remove Eaten Sehr. It Depends On How Badly You Are Affected With Sehr. You May Need To Complete More Than One Treatment In Order To Completely Remove The Sehr. Keep A Gap Of At Least Two Weeks Between The Treatments.You Will Need Other Treatments Of Ruqya, Cupping, Quranic Bathing Etc To Know If Sehr Has Been Removed.1. consult Your Gp Before Consumption.2. do Not Use This Product If You Have Abdominal Pain Or Diarrhoea.3. do Not Use If You Are Pregnant Or Nursing.4. discontinue Use In The Event Of Diarrhoea Or Watery Stools.5. do Not Exceed Recommended Dose.6. not Recommended For Long-term Use.
Section: Olive Oil
Get a bottle of Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil (it should be greenish in colour, not yellow)If you can get organic Palestinian extra virgin olive oil, it’s best because Allāh Glory be to Him blessed this land and especially olive oil from this land as Allāh Glory be to Him said, ٱللَّهُ نُورُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِۦ كَمِشْكَوٰةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ ٱلْمِصْبَاحُ فِى زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ ٱلزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّىٌّ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍ مُّبَٰرَكَةٍ زَيْتُونَةٍ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِىٓءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌ ۚ نُّورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍ ۗ يَهْدِى ٱللَّهُ لِنُورِهِۦ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْأَمْثَٰلَ لِلنَّاسِ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عَلِيمٌ Translation: Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allāh guides to His light whom He wills. And Allāh presents examples for the people, and Allāh is Knowing of all things. – [24:35]In addition to that, Prophet (ﷺ) said, Eat of its oil and use it (the olives), for indeed it is from a blessed tree. – Tirmidhi
Section: Ajwa dates of Madina
Dates are basically a tropical fruit which is grown on date palm trees. It’s scientifically known as Phoenix Dactylifera and is one of the most healthy fruits around the world. Coming under the dry fruit category, dates are highly nutritious and extremely tasty. Dates also play an important role in the cultural heritage of many middle east nations. The name date is derived from Greek origins following the name Gaktulos, which translates in English to the term “fingers” as an ode to the peculiar shape of the fruit. Date palms are scientifically known as Phoenix Dactylifera and belong to the Arecaceae family.Dates are known for their high content of natural sugars. It’s interesting to notice that dried dates have a higher calorie content when compared to the fresh fruit. The calorie content of dates is one of the most important fact that adds to the rising preference for this middle east fruit. Grown on date palms, these fruits are harvested mostly by local farmers and then exported around the world. Dates grow in a clustered pattern and are harvested in bunches. It’s almost a staple diet to the practitioners of Islam around the world and is one of the important opening fruit during the season of fasting. This is due to the high nutrient content present in the fruit which makes it a very good choice to run the day with.To protect oneself against magicSeven Ajwa dates of Madina should be eaten as mentioned in the sound Hadith. Amer bin Saad related that his father (RA) said: I heard ”Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) saying:’ If somebody takes seven Ajwa dates in the morning neither magic nor poison will hurt him that day’ ”.Al-Khatabi said that the Ajwa dates protect against magic because Allah’s prophet invoked for the dates of Madina not due to a specialty in the dates (Fath Al-Bari-10/239).His Honor, Sheikhh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (May Allah have Mercy on Him) said that it is a continuous treatment until the Day of Judgment, as mentioned in the prophetic saying. It is true also, he added, that using Ajwa dates include all that of Madina as narrated by Muslim that the prophet said so (Fath Al-Haq Al-Mubin fi Ilag Al-Saraa wa Al-Sihr wa Al-Ein -p.173).His Honour, Sheikhh Sulayman bin Naser said that, whenever possible, one should take seven Ajwa dates for it is a legal reason and protection against magic. In the two Sahih and others, Amr son of Saad (May Allah be Pleased with them Both) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said,"If anyone takes seven Ajwa dates in the morning neither magic nor poison will hurt him that day”. Some scholars said that the dates should be those of the Ajwa dates, while others claim that Ajwa is used because it only refers to the predominant types; thus any dates are useful. However, I think that the Ajwa dates are more beneficial and effective though does not discard the effect of others.In my opinion, a lot of benefit lies in the Ajwa dates in general and that of Madina in specific until the Day of Judgment; hence, such effect was not confined to the prophet’s time. Experience and experiment in this area confirms the fact that the Ajwa dates has a great effect on magic either before or after it, as stated by Sheikhh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Baz.Benefits of DatesThe high nutrient content of the fruit contributes to its highly beneficial properties. The need for a comprehensive fruit diet cannot be fulfilled without the inclusion of dates. In the below section we will be discussing the various benefits that dates can have on your health.
Section: Black Seed
128. Hadiths About Black Seed And Black Seed Oil
IntroductionBlack Seed Is A Plant. People Have Used The Seed To Make Medicine For Over 2000 Years. It Was Even Discovered In The Tomb Of King Tut.historically, Black Seed Has Been Used For Headache, Toothache, Nasal Congestion, And Intestinal Worms. It Has Also Been Used For “pink Eye” (conjunctivitis), Pockets Of Infection (abscesses), And, Black Seed Is Used For Treating Digestive Tract Conditions Including Gas, Colic, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Constipation, And Hemorrhoids. It Is Also Used For Respiratory Conditions Including Asthma, Allergies, Cough, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Flu, Swine Flu, And Congestion.
Hadiths About Black Seed And Black Seed OilMentioned By The Holy Prophet (ﷺ), " Hold On To The Use Of The Black Seed For Indeed It Has A Remedy For Every Disease Except Death" [al-bukhari And Muslim]"Hold On," Indicates A Long-term Use - Hadith (Sayings Of The Prophet (ﷺ) Narrated By His Companions.)narrated Khalid Bin Saad (ra): We Went Out And Ghalib Bin Abjar Was Accompanying Us. He Fell Ill On The Way And When We Arrived At Medina He Was Still Sick. Ibn Abi 'atiq Came To Visit Him And Said To Us, "treat Him With Black Cumin. Take Five Or Seven Seeds And Crush Them (mix The Powder With Oil) And Drop The Resulting Mixture Into Both Nostrils, For `aisha Has Narrated To Me That She Heard The Prophet (ﷺ) Saying, 'this Black Cumin Is Healing For All Diseases Except As-sam.' Aisha Said, 'what Is As-sam?' He Said, 'death." [sahih Bukhari: 5687]narrated Abu Huraira (ra): I Heard Allah's Apostle Saying, "there Is Healing In Black Cumin For All Diseases Except Death." [jami` At-tirmidhi: 2041]salim Bin Abdullah (ra) Narrates With Reference To His Father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar (ra) That Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Said, "let Fall These Black Seeds Upon You, These Contain Cure For All Diseases Except Death." [ibn Majah: 3448]the Same Narration Is Found In Sanad-e-ahmed From Hazrat Aisha (ra) And In Ibn-al-jozi And Trimizi From Abu Huraira (ra). Hazrat Buraida Narrates That Prophet Muhammad (sws) Stated - "shooneez Is Cure For All Ailments Except Death." [ibn Majah: 3449]it Is Stated In The Books Of Seerat That Nabi-e-akram (ﷺ) Himself Used To Take Blackseed For Therapeutic Purpose But With The Syrup Of Honey.khalid Bin Saad States That He Was Travelling With Ghalib Bin Jabr, When He Fell Ill During The Journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew Of Hazrat Aisha (ra) Came To Meet Us. On Seeing The Patient, He Took 5 Or 7 Seeds Of Kalonji And Ground It, Mixed It In Olive Oil And Dropped In Both Nostrils, Hazrat Aisha (ra) Told Us That Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Stated That There Was Cure In Blackseed For All Ailments Except Sam. I Asked Him, What Was Sam? He Said "death". Ghalib Bin Jabr Became Healthy With That Treatment. [sahih Bukhari: 5687]
Hadiths About Black Seed And Black Seed OilMentioned By The Holy Prophet (ﷺ), " Hold On To The Use Of The Black Seed For Indeed It Has A Remedy For Every Disease Except Death" [al-bukhari And Muslim]"Hold On," Indicates A Long-term Use - Hadith (Sayings Of The Prophet (ﷺ) Narrated By His Companions.)narrated Khalid Bin Saad (ra): We Went Out And Ghalib Bin Abjar Was Accompanying Us. He Fell Ill On The Way And When We Arrived At Medina He Was Still Sick. Ibn Abi 'atiq Came To Visit Him And Said To Us, "treat Him With Black Cumin. Take Five Or Seven Seeds And Crush Them (mix The Powder With Oil) And Drop The Resulting Mixture Into Both Nostrils, For `aisha Has Narrated To Me That She Heard The Prophet (ﷺ) Saying, 'this Black Cumin Is Healing For All Diseases Except As-sam.' Aisha Said, 'what Is As-sam?' He Said, 'death." [sahih Bukhari: 5687]narrated Abu Huraira (ra): I Heard Allah's Apostle Saying, "there Is Healing In Black Cumin For All Diseases Except Death." [jami` At-tirmidhi: 2041]salim Bin Abdullah (ra) Narrates With Reference To His Father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar (ra) That Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Said, "let Fall These Black Seeds Upon You, These Contain Cure For All Diseases Except Death." [ibn Majah: 3448]the Same Narration Is Found In Sanad-e-ahmed From Hazrat Aisha (ra) And In Ibn-al-jozi And Trimizi From Abu Huraira (ra). Hazrat Buraida Narrates That Prophet Muhammad (sws) Stated - "shooneez Is Cure For All Ailments Except Death." [ibn Majah: 3449]it Is Stated In The Books Of Seerat That Nabi-e-akram (ﷺ) Himself Used To Take Blackseed For Therapeutic Purpose But With The Syrup Of Honey.khalid Bin Saad States That He Was Travelling With Ghalib Bin Jabr, When He Fell Ill During The Journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew Of Hazrat Aisha (ra) Came To Meet Us. On Seeing The Patient, He Took 5 Or 7 Seeds Of Kalonji And Ground It, Mixed It In Olive Oil And Dropped In Both Nostrils, Hazrat Aisha (ra) Told Us That Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Stated That There Was Cure In Blackseed For All Ailments Except Sam. I Asked Him, What Was Sam? He Said "death". Ghalib Bin Jabr Became Healthy With That Treatment. [sahih Bukhari: 5687]
129. Are There Any Guidelines Or Conditions With Regard To Using The Black Seed?
al-bukhaari (5688) And Muslim (2215) Narrated From Abu Hurayrah (RA) That He Heard The Messenger Of Allah (ﷺ) Say Concerning The Black Seed: “in It There Is Healing For Every Disease, Except As-saam.” Ibn Shihaab Said: As-saam Is Death.there Are Two Scholarly Views Concerning The Words “healing From Every Disease”. It Was Suggested That It Is To Be Understood According To The General Meaning, So It Includes All Diseases, Or That It Is General In Wording But Specific In Meaning, So What Is Meant Is Some Ibn Hajar (may Allah Have Mercy On Him) Said: it Was Said That The Words “every Disease” Refer To Every Disease That Could Be Treated With It, Because It Is Beneficial In The Case Of Cold Diseases; As For Hot Diseases, It Is Not. al-khattaabi Said: the Words “from Every Disease” Are General Terms But What Is Meant By Them Is Something Specific, Because There Is No Medicine Made From Plants That Could Be Used To Treat All Diseases; Rather What Is Meant Is That It Is Healing For Every Disease That Is Caused By Moisture.abu Bakr Ibn Al-‘arabi Said: according To Physicians, Honey Is More Likely To Be A Remedy For Every Disease Than The Black Seed. Nevertheless, There Are Some Diseases That If A Person Drinks Honey, It Will Make Matters Worse. If What Is Meant By The Description Of Honey As Something “wherein Is Healing For Men” [an-nahl 16:69] Is That It Is Healing For Most Diseases, Then It Is More Appropriate To Say That With Regard To The Black Seed. End Quote.ibn Al-qayyim (may Allah Have Mercy On Him) Said: the Words “healing From Every Disease” Are Like The Verse In Which Allah, May He Be Exalted, Says (interpretation Of The Meaning): “destroying Everything By The Command Of Its Lord” [al-ahqaaf 46:25]. That Is, It (the Storm Or Wind Referred To In The Previous Verse) Destroyed Everything That Could Be Destroyed, And The Like. End Quote. zaad Al-ma‘aad (4/297) shaykh Abu Muhammad Ibn Abi Jamrah Said: Some People Commented On This Hadith And Made Its General Statements Specific, Referring It To The Views Of People Who Have Medical Experience, But The One Who Says That Is Obviously Mistaken, Because If We Believe The Physicians – Whose Knowledge Is Based On Experience, The Foundation Of Which Is What Is Most Likely To Be Right – Then To Believe The One Who Does Not Speak On The Basis Of His Whims And Desires [i.e., The Prophet (ﷺ)] Is More Appropriate [than Believing The Doctors]. end Quote From Al-fath (10/145). al-karmaani Said: it May Be That The General Meaning Is The Intended Meaning, That It May Bring Healing For All Diseases, But That Is On Condition That It Is Put Together With Other Ingredients, And There Should Be No Haraam Component. Rather The General Meaning Of The Text Must Be What Is Intended, Because The Fact That An Exception Is Mentioned Indicates That It Is General In Application. The Prophet (ﷺ) Said It Intending That General Meaning; The Evidence For That Is The Fact That He Made An Exception. Therefore We Must Accept That It Is General In Meaning. End Quote. ‘umdat Al-qaari (31/301)the Fact That The General Meaning Is What Was Intended Is Obvious, Because The Wording Indicates That. It Is Also Indicated By The Exception In The Phrase “except As-saam (death).” If The General Meaning Had Not Been Intended, There Would Have Been No Need To Mention The Exception. The Fact That An Exception Is Made For Death Indicates That For All Other Diseases, Black Seed May Be Useful As A Remedy, But That Is Dependent Upon There Being No Impediment And Upon The Conditions Being Met.shaykh Al-islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah Have Mercy On Him) Said: just Taking Appropriate Means And Measures Does Not Necessarily Lead To The Expected Results. If Rain Falls And Seeds Sprout, That Is Not Sufficient For Vegetation To Grow; Rather It Is Also Essential That There Be Fecundating Winds, By Allah’s Leave, And It Is Essential That There Be An Absence Of Impediments. It Is Essential For All Conditions To Be Met And All Impediments To Be Absent, And All Of That Happens By The Will And Decree Of Allah.a Child Is Not Born As The Result Of Merely Depositing Semen In The Vagina. How Often That Happens, But No Child Is Born. Indeed It Is Essential That Allah Should Will To Create The Child, Then The Woman Conceives, Then The Embryo Begins To Grow In The Uterus, And All Other Conditions That Are Needed, And The Impediments That Must Be Absent, For The Creation Of A Child. End Quote. majmoo‘ Al-fataawa (8/70) shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah Have Mercy On Him) Said: many People Do Not Benefit From The Means And Measures, Or From Ruqyah Done By Reciting Qur’an Or Other Words, Because The Conditions Are Not Met And The Impediments Are Not Absent. If Every Sick Person Could Be Healed By Means Of Ruqyah Or Medical Treatment, No One Would Die. But It Is Allah, May He Be Glorified, In Whose Hand Is Control Of Healing. If He Wills That, He Makes The Means Thereof Easily Available, And If He Does Not Will That, The Means Will Be To No Avail. End Quote. majmoo‘ Fataawa Ibn Baaz (8/61)al-haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah Have Mercy On Him) Stated That The Way To Treat Disease Using The Black Seed Varies From One Disease To Another, And He Said: what Is Meant By This Seed Being A Healing For Every Disease Is That It Should Not Be Used On Its Own; Rather It May Be Used On Its Own Or With Other Ingredients. It May Be Used Ground Up Or Otherwise, And It May Be Eaten, Drunk, Used Like Snuff, Applied As A Poultice, And In Other Ways. end Quote From Al-fath (10/144). the Ways In Which It Is Used Vary According To What People Of Experience And Knowledge Suggest, Or What Modern Medical Research Suggests, Based On Experience And On The Properties Of The Black Seed And Its Effect On Disease. al-bukhaari (5687) Narrated That Khaalid Ibn Sa‘d Said: We Went Out, And Ghaalib Ibn Abjar Was With Us, And He Fell Sick. When We Came To Madinah He Was Still Sick. Ibn Abi ‘ateeq Visited Him And Said To Us: You Should Use This Little Black Seed: Take Five Or Seven Of Them And Grind Them, Then Mix It With Olive Oil And Put Drops In His Nose, On This Side, And On This Side, For ‘aa’ishah Told Me That She Heard The Prophet (ﷺ) Say: “this Black Seed Is A Healing For Every Disease Except As-saam.” I Said: What Is As-saam? He Said: Death. based On That, There Is Nothing Wrong With Stipulating That The Black Seed Should Be Taken In A Particular Manner, According To The Type Of Sickness, On Condition That This Method Is Proven To Be Beneficial, Either From Experience Or On The Basis Of Scientific For Stipulating That Soorat Al-ikhlaas Should Be Recited Three Times, Or That A Particular Du‘aa’ (supplication) Should Be Recited, There Is No Basis For Such Stipulations.
Section: Honey
Honey is a Hebrew word, and it means ‘enchant’. Honey is the only food source for humans that is produced by an insect. One honeybee has to fly about 90,000 miles (or three times around the world) to make one pound of honey. Honey is made of 80% sugar and 20% water. And 1 tablespoon contains 64 calories.Allāh Glory be to Him said about honey: فِيهِ شِفَآءٌ لِّلنَّاسِ in which there is healing for people – [16:69]Ibn al-Qayyim may Allah have mercy on him said regarding this ayah:The words “healing from every disease” are like the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Destroying everything by the Command of its Lord” [al-Ahqaaf 46:25]. That is, it (the storm or wind referred to in the previous verse) destroyed everything that could be destroyed, and the like. – Zaad al-Ma’ad.Please note that use of honey is subject to the medical condition of the patient. If a patient is diabetic you should avoid use of honey.
Section: Saussurea costus
Qust al Hindi (Indian Costus in english), also known by its scientific name Saussurea Lappa, is a thistle found in the Himalayas, Kashmir, India and Pakistan. The root is dried, and used in many medicinal preparations, and is popular in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.The Indian costus has many benefits for sterility, sexual weakness, infertility, and can also help lose weight.The Indian costus is a piece of wood that looks a bit like siwak, being a little wider and smelling a bit like the smell of ginger and Arabic is also called al qosst or Kosst al.Indian costus is classified as one of the best species as it is extremely hot and is directly extracted from a plant that Costus is a length of just one and a half meters.The Indian Costus (القسط الهندي) is used since ancient times in particular for problems with the reproductive system and in case of infertility and weakness etc ....In some cases the Indian costus can also treat syphilis, purify the blood and treat psoriasis, alopecia, hair and some of the diseases in addition costus can cure constipation, bronchitis, cholera treatment and inflammation of eye as well as cancer of the mouth.Qust al Hindi (Indian Costus) may be beneficial in the treatment of:1. gas, diarrhea, IBS, Crohns and most gastro-intestinal issues2. eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea and skin diseases in general3. intestinal worms and parasites4. premature ejaculation, increasing sperm motility and libido in men5. fertility, libido, womb and egg health in women6. blood health by increasing white blood cells and immunity7. arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain and back problems8. regulation of menstrual cycles and painful periods9. nasal issues10. headaches and migraines11. losing excess water weight (diuretic)12. gum irritation13. detoxifying the body of toxins (antioxidant)14. expelling jinn possession, black magic and waswasa15. coughs, colds and flu.Narrated Um Qais: “I went to Allaah’s Messenger (ﷺ) along with a a son of mine whose palate and tonsils I had pressed with my finger as a treatment for a (throat and tonsil) disease. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Why do you pain your children by pressing their throats! Use Ud Al-Hindi (Qust al Hindi/Indian Costus) for it cures seven diseases, one of which is pleurisy. It is used as a snuff for treating throat and tonsil disease and it is inserted into one side of the mouth of one suffering from pleurisy.” (Bukhari 5713)Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: "Do not torture your children with El-Ghamz and have recourse to costus". Narrated by Bukhari.Abu Bakr ibn al-'Arabi said: "The Qist (costus, plant root bark base o'ud) is of two types:. Hindi (India), which is black and Bahri which is white Al Qist al Hindi is more Hot al Bahri.In another narration: "I approached the Prophet (ﷺ) with one of my son while pressing his tonsils because of a tonsil, then he said: You should use al Qist al-Hindi". (Related by Bukhari and Muslim)Imam Ahmad and the authors of Sunan collected a hadith on the authority of Jabir that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "If a child is inflicted with a tonsil or a headache, so let's mother take al Qist al Hindi, rub it in water and let it breathe in droplets through his nostrils."
Section: How to make Ruqyah water, oil and honey etc
132. Introduction
a) Fill a container or bottle with normal tap, spring, or zamzam (highly recommended if available) water while leaving some space empty for air (approx. 5cm).Note: Max recommended size is about one or two liters anymore and the Ruqyah water would be dilute and not as effective. You can use a 5 liter bottle but only if you intend to recite for an hour with full focus.b) Make sincere intention to recite Ruqyah to treat, jinn possession, magic, evil eye, health problem etc.Note: The actual Ruqyah effect of the Quran is carried in the breath of the person reciting. So it is important to keep the mouth of the bottle near your mouth (if you can) and breath directly into the bottle. The volume, vibration and visualisation* have a direct effect on the water. c) Recite the following verses or any verses that you know by heart.Note: It is more effective to recite less surahs with focus than longer surahs with very little focus.A'uzubillahi minash shaytanir rajeem (I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed devil)1. Bismillah 2. Protective dua from sunnah (optional) 3. Surah Fatiha x74. 2:1-105. 2:102 (to treat black magic) x76. 2:255-2567. 2:285-2868. 3:18-199. 7:117-119 (to treat black magic) x710. 10:81-82 (to treat black magic) x711. 20:65-69 (to treat black magic) x712. Surah Yaseen 36 (Optional)13. Surah Dukhaan 44 (optional)14. 55:33-3515. 72:1-716. Any other surahs (optional)17. 112 x318. 113 x319. 114 x320. DuroodAfter reading each surah or set of verses (eg. 10:81-82) dry spit lightly into the water. d) Every so often, close the lid and give the bottle a shake.Ruqyah water can be drank or bathed in. Please find below a step by step guide on how to make Ruqyah water by brother Abu Ibrahim (May Allah reward him immensely)
133. Do's and Don'ts
1. Don't top up Ruqyah water with plain water as it will dilute it.2. Don't pour it down the sink as it goes into the sewage system and this is a form of disrespect to the blessings of the Quran.3. Collect the Ruqyah water that has been used or bathed in as best you can and pour it in the garden (preferably on soil).4. Ruqyah water can be refrigerated but do not boil or add to hot food or drink as this will invalidate the ruqya.5. Don't keep Ruqyah water stored for a longtime. Please drink with in 3 - 4 days since any water that is exposed to the environment will grow microbes in it and become unsuitable for drinking. The only such water that doesn't go bad is ZamZam water.6. Do not drink large quantities of water in one go. Unfortunately some raqis will try to get a patient to drink 2-5 liters of water in one sitting "to vomit out the sihr" but as the guardian or person accompanying the patient is it your duty to inform the raqi that this is dangerous on medical grounds. It can cause the level of salt, or sodium, in your blood to drop too low. That's a condition called hyponatremia.
134. Ruqyah Oil
Ruqyah olive oil is made in exactly the same way as Ruqyah water. But try to use light olive oil as thick olive oil have a smell and can make you feel hot and sticky. Unlike Ruqyah water, Ruqyah oil will stay good for a very long time. It will stay long as it hasn't passed its expiry date. Usually a couple or years or so. I wouldn't recommend using Ruqyah oil that has passed the expiry date of the oil.Note: You may crush some raw fresh ginger and add the juice to the oil. This often causes a burning sensation for jinns when they manifest.
135. Ruqyah on other things
Ruqyah can be done on almost any type of food or drink such as milk, honey, sugar or salt etc. Ruqyah seems to hold better when done on solid granules as opposed to liquids. All the do's and don't of Ruqyah water apply to these things too. i.e. Don't cook or fry stuff with Ruqyah oil because the effect of the Ruqyah will wear off when it is heated. But you can drizzle it over salad if you like
136. Ruqyah Exfoliating Salt Scrub
Olive oil, salt and other ingredients can be added together to make an exfoliating salt scrub.1. Add the first three ingredients into a bowla) Olive oil 500mlb) Pink Himalayan Rock Salt 1kg (or sea salt) c) Jujube stones (whole 7 per bath)d) Black musk (optional)2. Mix the three ingredients together.Recite Ruqyah on the mixture (0004 How to make Ruqyah water & oil) 3. Add the black musk and stones.4. Rub onto bodyEspecially where the jinn prefers to stay. The part of the body that shakes/ hurts the most during ruqya. DO NOT EAT! 5. Allow the mixture to remain on body for 10-15 min and then soak in a luke warm bath.
Section: Hijamah
137. Introduction
In the Sunnah Hijama was praised by the Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him) and it may be regarded as a safe, non-invasive and economical way of curing and preventing many diseases. Though Chinese use of this method was limited to certain medical complications like lungs infection, colds, to treat internal organs’ disorders, joint pain, etc. the scope of hijama in terms of benefit is much greater in the Sunnah.The word ‘hijama’ means ‘drawing out’ in Arabic. It is now being recognized as an alternative medicine or alternative way of treating different diseases and bodily disorders. Some sections of the modern medical community also endorse the various benefits of hijama and even encourage its practice for certain diseases.In this non-surgical procedure, toxic or ‘bad’ blood is drawn out from the body. Certain ‘hijama points’ on the body are addressed to do so. On such selected points, blood is encouraged to accumulate and then sucked out by using a little vacuum system. The blood is made to accumulate on the surface of the skin where minute incisions are introduced on the skin; the blood comes out from the incisions and is collected in a cup from where it is removed.Many scholars have mentioned that Hijamah is one of the effective means in curing magic affliction by extracting the substance of magic from the place in which it rests.Ibn Al-Qayim (R) said that Abu Obeid (R) mentioned in his book (Gharib Al-Hadith) that Abulrahman related that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) used Hijamah when he was affected with magic. Abu Obeid (R) also added that those with little knowledge can not see the relation between Hijamah and magic or this ailment and cure. He thus stated that if Hippocrates or Ibn Sina were to find a text saying so, they would have readily accepted it. The prophet, whose knowledge can not be doubted, advised the use of Hijamah. He knew that the magic material in his body settles in his head, affecting one of this powers whereby he would imagine doing things which did not actually do; this is a typical behavior of a magician in reality. The material used in the magic resulted in a change in his mood, altering its natural disposition.Ibn Al-Qayim (R) also added regarding the treatment of magic that using Hijamah in the place afflicted with magic is the best cure if used in the ascribed manner (Zaad Al-Maad-4/125-126). Al-Qayim (R) also maintained that Hijamah was used by the prophet (ﷺ) a means of treatment even before it was revealed to him that he was under the effect of magic (Al-Tib Al-Nabawi -p.118).The act of performing Hijama (cupping) is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and it is extensively reported in a wide collection of authentic ahadith. Its practice is strongly recommended and emphasized in a number of narrations. The practice of Hijama forms an integral part of Islamic Prophetic Medicine.Hijama was a common practice of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his companions for the treatment of a range of ailments as well as a form of body maintenance and health promotion.
138. Benefits of Hijama (Cupping)
Hijama has been in use in many countries to treat certain diseases or bodily disorders. While the Chinese seem to have played a leading role in using this technique to treat certain diseases, Arabs and others have also adopted it since it was recognized as beneficial by the Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him). The Europeans were also doing cupping to treat many diseases. The difference between the Arabs or Muslims and others in doing hijama was not hidden since while believers were more interested to do hijama as the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (without questioning anything), others were doing it purely for medical benefit.The first and top-level benefit of hijama for a believer is the reward he or she will get, both heavenly and worldly, for following a stressed Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Not only the believers but also anyone can openly observe or experience the benefits that are bestowed on the followers of the commands of Allah Most High and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). On the other hand, when we look at this technique from a worldly perspective, we can find hijama has many benefits.It is noted that hijama promotes the flow of energy in the blood. It removes toxins and other waste material from the blood. It helps hasten recovery time for people recovering from certain diseases. Hijama is known to prevent many diseases and, therefore, can be considered one of the best preventive measures against many diseases. Moreover, in many cultures, hijama is thought to help those who are under some magic spell or who are under the influence of some evil beings.Hijama has no side effects as long as performed properly. It is also worth noting that many diseases and disorders are associated with failure of blood to circulate properly in the body. Furthermore, we get sick or our body organs fail to perform healthily when our blood keep circulating loaded with toxins and other impurities. Unless the toxic waste is removed from the body or from the blood, not only we do not recover quickly from disease but also we become victims to other diseases. Hijama is an excellent way to remove the toxic waste from the blood stream, and the results will obviously be a healthy and properly functioning body. We should never forget that this highly useful and recommended Sunnah of the Prophet SAW helps us in controlling many diseases such as infections, hypertension, circulatory diseases, pains, infertility, cancer, etc.
139. Importance of Hijama in the Divine Guidance
Instead of depending on our own opinions in favor of cupping, we must see the following ahadith that are enough to explain its importance.“Indeed in hijama (cupping) there is a cure”. – Saheeh Muslim.“Indeed, the best of remedies you have is hijama (cupping)”. – Saheeh Al Bukhari.“Hijama is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves”. – Saheeh Al Bukhari and Saheel Muslim.The importance of hijama in the divine guidance can further be stressed by the following words which were related to the Prophet SAW on the night of Israa (ascension to the heaven) by angles: “O Mohammed, encourage your ummah (people) to do hijama (cupping)”. – Saheeh, Sunan Tirmidhi.The Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon him) is reported to have had hijama performed on his head for a headache [Bukhari], on his foot after a sprain [Ibn Majah], on his neck [Abu Dawud], on his hip for hip pain [Abu Dawud] and between his shoulders for detoxification [Ahmed].Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him) said: “I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad.” [Saheeh, Sunan ibn Majah]“The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is cupping, or it is one of the best of your medicines.” Or “The treatment for you is cupping.” [Bukhari: 5371]“Cupping is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.” [Bukhari and Muslim]Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Messenger (Allah’s peace be upon him) said, “If there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping (hijama).” [Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Ibn Majah]