Section: Gaining Practical Ruqyah Experience
You should use the following plan in order for you to gain experience in reading Ruqyah on people.Ruqyah is an act of worship and action that you have to see being done so try and watch an authentic raqi in action by requesting permission to watch a Ruqyah session. If this is not possible then try to watch some authentic YouTube videos and then move onto diagnose and treat yourself and your family.When you have definitely decided to read Ruqyah on someone then we strongly recommend that you pray istikharah and then teach them the effects of sins and that it is sins that cause jinn to speak and make mischief and chaos in patients. Then tell them about having a sincere beseeching heart that wants the Ruqyah from Allah.You should offer free Ruqyah to Muslims and tell them that they should accept Ruqyah when it has been offered to them because the Nabi (salulahu alayhi wasalam) accepted the Ruqyah from Jibril (alayhi salam) when it was offered.1. Firstly, you should do self Ruqyah on yourself, diagnosis and then treatment, if you need it. (It is possible to do Ruqyah on people even while you yourself are suffering and treating your own spiritual illnesses)2. Diagnose and treat your family and relatives.3. Diagnose and treat some of your friends.4. Finally, diagnose and treat other Muslims.