Section: Signs of a Genuine Raqi (One who is treating Patient)
1. He will be somebody who firmly believes in Tawheed and is free from all types of shirk, kufr and misguidance and does not associate himself with beliefs/actions that may lead one to fall into any of these categories.2. He will be somebody who has firm belief in Allah, His Messenger and all other articles of faith.3. He is somebody other Muslims can account for (i.e. the person is known in the community as somebody who is pious, practicing, genuine etc).4. He will be one who follows the Sunnah, acts according to it and will advise his patients to do the same.5. He will perform Ruqyah hoping for reward from Allah.6. He will perform Ruqyah seeking assistance from Allah alone without any partners/intermediaries to cure his patients and will ask for cure from Him.7. His Ruqyah will not stray into those methods which are prohibited by the Qur’an and Sunnah.8. His Ruqyah will be free from Shirk.9. His Ruqyah will not be for worldly gains (although charging is permissible, a reasonable price is recognisable from an overly-expensive treatment).Further conditions of a Raaqi1. He must have sincerity in worshipping Allah and have a good intention in treating people.2. He must be firm in his obedience to Allah, and keep away from all that is forbidden like wearing threads, rings, Amulet(Taweez), burning papers and drinking it. etc3. He must keep far away from all unlawful places and situations that can lead to what is forbidden, for example isolating himself with a female, etc.4. He must guard the affairs of his patients and protect their secrets.5. He must propagate the religion of Allah. Give the Patient advice and admonitions on the rights of Allah with regards to His commandments and prohibitions.6. He should have knowledge about the affairs of the patient and sicknesses.7. He should have knowledge about the reality of Jinns (so as not to have them harm or threaten him while curing the patient).