Section: Acts Of Worship & Things To Avoid For A Raqi
These things that we will mention are also important for patients but they are more important for the raqi because he is dealing with more jinn.If the tahajjud prayer can be added to this list then that would be excellent.Acts Of Worship1. Pray all 5 Salah in congregation in a masjid. If you live in a Non-Muslim country and live far away from a masjid then try and get at least 2 prayers in the masjid, especially fajr and isha.2. Do all adhkar after the salah especially the Quls and the tasbih (saying subhanullah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times etc)3. Pray all Sunnah prayers at home so your home and family gets blessed and your home doesn’t become like a graveyard.4. Make istighfar (seek forgiveness from Allah) throughout the day.5. Pay sadaqa everyday even if it is a very little. Do this via online or drop a few pennies or cents into the sadaqa box in your local masjid.6. Keep your wudu throughout the day and night. Whenever you lose it, re-do it.7. Constantly remembering Allah is watching you and doing dhikr at the same time. YOU SHOULD STOP & PONDER ON THIS IMPORTANT POINT VERY CAREFULLY. You should always feel aware that Allah is watching you wherever you are and whatever you are doing and you should do dhikr with your tongue as well at the same time. If this feeling of awareness of Allah watching you or your dhikr of Allah gets disrupted because of your work or family then make istighfar even though this is NOT a real sin that you have committed. You do the istighfar because you “feel guilty” that you allowed the dunya to disrupt the intensity of your remembrance of Allah. To do this action is actually a sunnah (Muslim 4: 2075)We must remember that the Nabi salulahu alayhi wasalam used to make regular istighfar and he wasn’t committing any sins SO WHAT ABOUT US THEN! He would make istighfar when his heart became preoccupied or his dhikr of Allah got reduced (Muslim 4: 2075). If you understand this point properly and you experience the love of Allah in your heart because of this sunnah then you will NEVER allow certain things (such as watching or following a football team) to corrupt or disrupt your dhikr and awareness of Allah.8. Keep your beard long (if you are a woman then wear proper islamic hijab) and don’t trim it until it gets to a fistful length. If you are one of those who can’t grow a long beard, then you shouldn’t be trimming it in the first place.