Section: Your Studies Of The Science Of Ruqya
You must sit down and learn this science by studying, there is no way around this. The more you know, the better the raqi you become.The Following Is Brief Study Plan For A Prospective Raqi1. Study the books: ‘Kitab Tawheed’ and ‘Kashfa Shoubahat’ by Imam Mohammad Abdul-Wahab. ‘Aqeedah Wasatiya’ and ‘Essay on the Jinn’ by Imam Ibn Taymeeyah. You should study these books by listening to Youtube lectures from the following channels: Criterion Productions (Luton Islamic Centre), Green Lane Masjid, Masjid Humera (of Ustadh Murtaza Khan) and Brixton Masjid.2. Study this article ‘The Problems with Jinn Catching’, and understand why it is a bidah, focusing particularly on the fatawa from YOU MUST GET INTO YOUR HEAD THAT WE DON’T ASK OR NEED JINN’S HELP. We also don’t like speaking to jinn because it could lead to shirk. We must not even use jinn to do diagnosis or any form of treatment.3. The next article that you should read is ‘101 Important Ruqyah Principles’ and then the ‘Importance of Ruqyah Diagnosis’, followed by ‘How Sins Affect Possessed Muslims’. After these, you may watch the videos in order and then finish reading the rest of the regarding Ruqyah on authentic websites.4. You need to learn hijama from a reputable hijamist or institute. Your aim is not to become a professional hijamist but to become a raqi that can offer the JET treatment to your patients.5. Learn the following parts of the Quran with tajweed (and that means you must recite these surahs and ayahs to your local imam or qari): Surahs Fatiha, Ikhlas & last two Quls. Also Ayah Kursi and the last two ayahs of Surah Baqarah. THAT’S ALL YOU NEED FOR READING ON PEOPLE.