Section: The Commitment
To those willing to get more involved, a piece of advice: have no other goal in your life but Allah, then everything will be alright. All problems you face will be a fortification for your faith, a forgiveness of your sins, a cause for repentance, an increase to your experience. I never saw in my life an activity increasing faith more than Ruqyah, not to mention it allowing you to preach Islam to men and jinns as well as gaining good actions and blessings from people you cure. It may also generate decent income, preventing you from getting involved in prohibited financial activities, which harms the image of the practicing Muslim as well as the Muslim themselves. I wrote in “the spiritual path” that you should only get involved in this field by divine authorisation. You can consider the urgent need around you and the information I am exposing in this book as well as the obligation in Islam to assist your fellow Muslim and acceptance of some of your prayers as a divine invitation to start.Help people as much as you can, but not more. Do not give up other activities you consider important. Do not unbalance your family life. Do not face situations that are beyond your control. You will have to refuse some services: you should favor general and long term interest. You will be solicited from everywhere and at any time: set limits.Ask Your Customers To Help YouSome people will stress you for little outcomes: nothing forces you to get yourself into an uncomfortable situation for them; refuse to bear them. Do not be too emotionally involved: do not suffer in the place of others, just help them. Beseech Allah for any embarrassing situation, but for easy ones too. Collaborate with your colleagues.Try to organise yourself: make files for your patients, keep a follow-up, record your successes and failures. We need to be organized in our profession to assist its development.