Section: The Non-Risk
We would like to comfort readers on risks associated with curing the needy. We would like more people to get involved because the scourge is so widespread that the curing capacity must become common.A mother should be able to cure her children against evil eye; there is no risk here. A practicing Muslim should be able to remove eaten sorcery for his friends and family, here too there is no risk. When you or your family or your house have already been attacked, risk no longer applies. Since you are already in the situation you must fight back because being actionless will not save you. In short, for a serious practicing Muslim, who endeavors to pray on time, avoids most prohibited offenses, progresses in the religion learning, and improves their spirituality, it is strongly recommended to know about Ruqyah rudiments to be able to act in case there is no professional around when needed.Some excellent brothers, perfectly competent, refuse to get involved in Ruqyah for fears of sorcerers reprisals to them and their family. Subhan Allah! Sorcerers do not fear Allah and Hell, believers and their prayers, and we, in truth, fighting for the good, will be scared of the devil and his allies?! Then Satan henchmen will massacre us without us even trying. Of course, we will face all kinds of hardships as well our families for the sake of Ruqyah, but we would have cured hundreds of people insha’Allah, and we will win all the battles by the grace of Allah as long as we stick to Allah’s path, and “Allah helps the servant as long as the latter helps his fellow brother”. In the distress, Allah will bring you angels, Muslim jinns or decisive dreams to help you in shaAllah, and the evil from the wicked ones will go back to them and the final victory is for the pious ones.