Section: The Risk


When treating jinns, we need to have constant protection because they often retaliate, once we remove them from people. The first protection is not to be afraid and to know that we are stronger than them with faith and Quran. Secondly, we should have no sin in our conscience: consciously disobeying Allah and refusing to repent creates a black point in our hearts which creates a window for jinns to attack. This will trigger both spiritual and physical weakening.For example, a man does not lower his gaze in front of a woman. A jinn comes in his dream in the shape of a desirable woman. The person again does not lower his gaze and remember Allah, and looks at the woman with desire. This man’s protection has weakened and he becomes a target for attack. Spirituality has gone down as well as physical well-being has suffered: he may have low energy levels and may catch flu. If this happens, we immediately need to repent and carry on fighting. We can consider the Ruqyah as a treatment to improve our spirituality since we cannot afford to drift away from the religion more than we already have.Very correct and strong brothers who perform Ruqyah (raqi) may be attacked by jinns who want to take revenge. These brothers may find it impossible to beat those jinns. This means the raqi have been bewitched. This the explanation that always comes up. The sorcery makes a gap in a person's defense mechanism so they cannot protect themselves against jinns. So if you notice that you cannot dominate jinns, immediately relate it to sorcery, cure yourself or have someone to cure you. Do not stop until you are cured and once you continue performing Ruqyah because if you don’t then it means you have failed the test and a great number of people will be deprived from the good you would have caused them otherwise. It is true that Allah will not put a person through the test which they cannot endure, so try to develop your potential and go beyond the test instead of renouncing and choosing the easy way out.Importantly, we need to get ready to receive the jinn: they come to retaliate in dreams in a form of a scary creature. Do not be scared, read Quran (the verse of the throne 2/255 is the most efficient, or else the Fatiha for those who do not know it); the jinn will burn and run away: that’s victory! The jinn are weakened and would not easily be back, and the person is strengthened in their faith and their self-confidence increases. We then proceed to the higher level: instead of reading to make the jinn run away in our dreams, we catch him so he does not escape and we recite until he dies. The jinn may struggle or read with you or do various things to destabilize you: do not pay any attention, do not stop reciting whatever he does until he dies. Sometimes, we wake up just before his death, which means that he ran away. Whether we succeeded in killing him or not, we can be sure that he will not come back. Also jinns wanting to enter you will quickly realise that the game is too risky for them as they can get killed. In fact, as soon as a jinn comes up in a visible or perceptible shape, in dream or in reality, he becomes vulnerable under this shape: if we kill him in the shape they have taken, we have really killed the jinn.Finally, we just need to chase two or three and kill one or two to be preserved from any other attempts from them. To remember what needs to be done in dreams, zikr needs to be dominating a person's mind at most of times. We must not allow ourselves to drift to futility and always have a little reflex reminding us of Allah: ‘’Those who fear Allah, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring Allah to remembrance, when lo! They see (aright)!’’ (7/201). Ideally, before sleep one needs to be determined after zikr to repeat the verse of the Throne 11 times. This will help us to be protected from the jinn in our sleep and catch the jinn in the dreams. If we miss the jinn in our dream, we should try to do better next time. The effective way of protection against jinns is being able to quickly detect them in our dream and recite Quran to them without hesitation. They then will not have the means to reach us and even run away from us.Recommend This Method To Your Patients Having NightmaresThey should read the verse of the Throne 11 times before sleeping (or the Fatiha if they do not know it) and be mentally determined to catch the evil whatever shape it takes and to recite the verse of the Throne to them. They may not succeed the first time. They will the second time; or the third. As they get used to reciting the verse in their dreams they will get more spontaneous and confident. Eventually they will try to catch the jinn and recite Quran in order to kill him/her. Then insha’Allah, the problem would be solved: either it will make the jinn run away, or weaken and neutralize him (which is a great progress), or finally, have the jinn killed. But above all, they would have improved their faith and their self-confidence and confidence in Allah, which is an invaluable result.If the person regularly cures patients from sorcery, he has to get ready for sorcerers' counter offensive: the wicked ones notice that their goal was not reached, so they go back to the sorcerer and demand results for the money they paid or pay again to get the expected results;. The sorcerer then conducts an investigation with the help of the jinns: they realise that you have cured a victim, and then they send the sorcery again for the victim and you, the healer. This is rare, and most of the time, sorcery has no follow up and there are no consequences in healing it. But if this happens for one person in twenty and if you cure twenty persons per week… you receive an average of one sorcery per week, of high grade because it is meant for a healer, not an ordinary person. So if you regularly or often cure, you should be on alert to any sign of sorcery, jinn or evil eye and should not hesitate to cure yourself and your family as much as needed. I would advise you as a prevention to bath with a bottle of Quran any time you take a shower. Always prepare a large number of bottles and bath with it all year long, before encountering problems, this way you will avoid problems insha’Allah. If you are a beginner, you should be in contact with a professional raqi and consult them from time to time. Also, treat the place where you cure: once a month is reasonable or as soon as you notice alarming signs such as family members fall sick, or you lose energy and enthusiasm, or your encounter difficulties in achieving simple things, etc… Also perfume the area in order to attract angels and chase devils and bad jinns away.


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