852. If something unpleasant happens/hearing bad things
If you hear any bad words or if you hear or remember the punishment and wrath of Allah-
نَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ
NA‛oodhu billaah
I seek refuge with Allah.
ReferenceBukhari: 6362
Related Duas:
If you meet someone
Before starting anything
Danger/Bad news, something lost/stolen
Intended to do something in the future
Seeing any surprisingly good things
An expression of appreciation/seeing something good
When getting up
Eating something good / listening to the good news
When getting down
If you see any Superiority, Highness, or Greatness of Allah
If you hear the sneezer say (Alhamdulillah), the listener will say -
To avoid Satan's whispers or deceptions