835. What to be said if someone ask for dua?
اَللَّهُمَّ أَكْثِرْ مَالَهُ وَوَلَدَهُ وَبَارِكْ لَهُ فِيمَا أَعْطَيْتَهُ
Allaahummakthir maa-lahu wa waladahu wa baarik lahu fiimaa a-'ataitahu
O Allah! Increase his wealth and children, and bestow Your Blessing on whatever You give him.
Anas ibn Malik (RA) said, "My mother took me to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and said, 'O Messenger of Allah!' Pray to Allah for this little servant of yours, Anas. Then the Prophet (ﷺ) said: (The dua is mentioned above)
Related Duas:
When surprised
To ward off the deception of the Obstinate Shaytans
When slaughtering or sacrificing an animal
Protection from the Dajjal
Dua for holding oneself in obedience to Allah
Upon seeing the early or premature fruit
Upon receiving pleasant news
Dua for protecting from shirk
Upon hearing an ass bray or dogs barking
Dua to seek protection from unlawful desires
Protect mind from affection towards sins
A very beautiful Dua or Dhikr