483. For one you have insulted
اَللَّهُمَّ فَأَيُّمَا مُؤْمِنٍ سَبَبْتُهُ فَاجْعَلْ ذَلِكَ لَهُ قُرْبَةً إِلَيْكَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ
Allaahumma fa'ayyumaa mu'minin sababtuhu faj'al thaalika lahu qurbatan 'ilayka yawmal-qiyaamah
O Allah, whomever of the believers I have abused, give him the reward of a sacrificial slaughter for it on the Day of Resurrection.
Related Duas:
Dua upon sneezing #5
Returning a Dua of forgiveness
To one who pronounces his love for you, for Allah’s sake
Dua for seeking useful knowledge
In the case of sneezing Prophet (ﷺ)'s order #2
The method of giving Salam
Upon receiving pleasing news
Upon receiving displeasing news
Dua at the end of a sitting/gathering [Kaffaratul Majlis]
To one who has offered you some of his wealth
Masnun zikr to praise someone
Dua upon sneezing #2