474. Dua said at a sitting or gathering etc
رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَتُبْ عَلَيَّ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ التَّوَّابُ الْغَفُورُ
Rabbighfir lee watub 'alayya 'innaka 'Antat-Tawwaabul-Ghafoor
My Lord, forgive me and accept my repentance, You are the Ever-Relenting, the All-Forgiving.
Ibn 'Umar (RA) said: It would be counted that at any one sitting, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) before getting up would say one hundred times:(The dua is mentioned above)
Related Duas:
In the case of sneezing Prophet (ﷺ)'s order #3
Dua upon sneezing #2
Dua at the end of a sitting/gathering [Kaffaratul Majlis]
In the case of sneezing Prophet (ﷺ)'s order #2
Prostration due to Quran recitation
Returning a Dua of forgiveness
To one who has offered you some of his wealth
Spread of salutations
In the case of sneezing Prophet (ﷺ)'s order #1
Returning a greeting to a kaafir
Blessings of anger control
Dua upon sneezing #5