Section: Other duas related to salat
271. How to reply to specific ayaat in Salah #1
Reply to specific ayah inside prayer, for both the imam and the followers, both the reciter and the one who is listening the recitation #1
Sheikh Albani (R) said that, this rule is general. Because of this this rule include inside or outside prayer and obligatory or voluntary prayer. Sabbi'hisma rabbikal a'la (Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High) The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to reply this ayah by saying this, Sub’hana rabbiyal a’la (Glory is to my Lord, the Most High) [1] The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said that, who recite this ayah from sura Qiyaamah, Alaisa zaalika biqaadirin an iyu'hyaal mawta (Is not that [Creator] Able to give life to the dead?) He should reply this by saying this, Sub’hanaka fabalaa (Glory be to you! Yes! You are able to give life to the dead) [2]
272. How to reply to specific ayaat in Salah #2
Reply to specific ayah inside prayer, for both the imam and the followers, both the reciter and the one who is listening the recitation #2
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) told us to reply this ayah of Surah Rahman Fabi ayyi alaa-i rabbikumaa tukazzibaan. Meaning: So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? by this - laa bishaayim min ni'amika rabbanaa nukazzibu falakal 'hamd Meaning: Ya Rabb! We don't disbelief any of your favour and all praise belongs only to you." It is to mentioned that, In the end of surah tin replying by saying “baala wa ana ‘ala dhalika minash shahidiin” and in the end of sura mursalat replying by saying “Amanna billah” and in the end of surah bakarah replying by saying “Amin” - these reports are weak narration.