Section: Using the Sidr Leaves


Arabic name: Sidr (سدر) Scientific name: Zizyphus Spina-ChristiA group of scholars said that Sidr is an effective cure of magic,Allah Willing.How To UseTake seven leaves of a green Sidr, grind them with two rocks, add water to it, read the verse of Al-Kursi and Al-Qawakil, take three sips, then wash up with the rest. This will remove all of his afflictions, and is a cure for men who have sexual disorders (Fath Al-Bari -10/233).Al-Qawakil are the Surahs that starts with Qul, ‘Say’, in the Quran; they are:1. Al-Jinn (The Jinn)2. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers )3. Al-Ikhlas (Purity)4. Al-Falaq (The Dawn)5. Al-Nas (Mankind).Al-Lalkaii (R) said that Mohamed ibn Othman (R) related that Said bin Mohamed Al-Hanat (R) stated: ”Ishaq ibn Abi Israel (R) said ‘ I heard Sufyan (R) says that Sulayman ibn Omaya (R) (Sheikhh of Thaqif) ibn Masoud (RA) heard Aisha (RA) advise a woman to use Sidr and water to wash the traces of magic (Sharh Usul Itiqad Ahl Al-Sunah wa Al-Jamaa -7/1288).His Honor, Sheikhh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Baz, (May Allah have Mercy on Him) said that the cure of magic after its affliction is beneficial, Allah Willing.A man who can not have sexual intercourse with his wife is advised to take seven green leaves of Sidr, grind it, put it in a water container enough for washing up. He should read the verse of1. Ayatul Qursi2. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)3. Al-Ikhlas (Purity)4. Al-Falaq (The Dawn)5. Al-Nas (Mankind).He should also read the verses of magic as stated in Black Magic Section of this app.After reading the above verses, one needs to take three sips from it, then wash up with the rest. This will remove the affliction, Allah Willing; if necessary, it could be repeated twice or more until one is cured (Majmu Fatawi Sheikhh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Baz).It is worth mentioning that using the water of Sidr leaves in the stated manner has a great effect, and lots of therapists are aware of this fact. However, its benefit is not only confined to men who can not have intercourse with their wives, but also includes those afflicted with epilepsy, evil eye and magic in general (used for washing only).Some scholars suggested to recite these ayats in sidr leave’s water:1. Surah al-Fatiha (3 times)2. Surah al-Baqarah 2:1-5 (Surah b2, Ayah 1 to 5)3. Surah al-Baqarah 2:1024. Surah al-Baqarah 2:163-1645. Surah al-Baqarah 2:255 (Ayat al-Kursi ── 3 times)6. Surah al-Baqarah 2:256-2577. Surah al-Baqarah 2:285-2868. Surah aal-e Imraan 3:18-199. Surah aal-e Imraan 3:26-2710. Surah al-A’araaf 7:113-12211. Surah Yunus 10:76-8212. Surah Ta-Haa 20:65-7013. Surah al-Mo’minoon 23:115-11814. Surah as-Saffaat 37:1-1015. Surah al-Ahqaaf 46:29:3216. Surah ar-Rahmaan 55:33-3617. Surah al-Hashr 59:20-2418. Surah al-Qalam 68:51-5219. Surah Ikhlaas (Surah b112 ── 3 times)20. Surah al-Falaq (Surah b113 ── 3 times)21. Surah an-Naas (Surah b114 ── 3 times)Then make following du’a’s أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ، اشْفِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِي لاَ شِفَاءَ إِلاَّ شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا Transliteration: (Adh-hibil ba’sa rabbannas, wa antash shafi laa shifaa-a illa shifaa-uka shifaa-an la yughadiru saqama.Translation: Take away the disease, O the Lord of the people! Cure him as You are the One Who cures. There is no cure but Yours, a cure that leaves no disease. – (al-Bukhari). بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ أَرْقِيْكَ مِنْ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ يُؤْذِيْكَ مِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ نَفْسٍ أَوْ عَيْنِ حَاسِدٍ اَللَّهُ يَشْفِيْكَ بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ أَرْقِيْكَ Transliteration: Bismillahi arqika min kulli shayin yu'dhika min sharri kulli nafsin aw 'ainin haasidin. Allahu yashfika bismillahi arqika.Translation: In the name of Allah I exercise you from everything and safeguard you from every evil that may harm you and from the eye of a jealous one. Allah would cure you and I invoke the name of Allah for you. – (Muslim)Do it everyday, it’s the best. If you can’t do it daily, do it every third day. If you can’t do it, do this at least once a week ── Try to make it on Friday (optional) and make du’a’ on Friday between ‘Asr and Maghrib.


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