741. The way to gain paradise and salvation from Hellfire
Anas bin Malik (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever asks Allah (s.w.t) Paradise three times, Paradise says: 'O Allah, admit him into Paradise', and whoever seeks refuge from the Fire three times, the Fire says: 'O Allah, save him from the Fire.'
Related Duas:
Dua for Rizik and seeking spaciousness of home
Dua for seeking Allah's grace and mercy
Dua to remove anger
Seeking Paradise and salvation from Hellfire
Praying for the safety of limbs and seeking refuge from evil
Dua to keep the heart steadfast in obedience to Allah #1
Prayer for guidance and steadfastness #2
Dua for saving the eyes, ears, tongue and heart from evil
Seeking benefit from hearing and sight and seek help against the enemy
Dua for gaining dignity from Allah and His grace and His revenge against the enemies
Dua for gaining the blessing of seeing the face of Allah
Seeking refuge from known and unknown shirk