Section: Honey


Honey is a Hebrew word, and it means ‘enchant’. Honey is the only food source for humans that is produced by an insect. One honeybee has to fly about 90,000 miles (or three times around the world) to make one pound of honey. Honey is made of 80% sugar and 20% water. And 1 tablespoon contains 64 calories.Allāh Glory be to Him said about honey: فِيهِ شِفَآءٌ لِّلنَّاسِ in which there is healing for people – [16:69]Ibn al-Qayyim may Allah have mercy on him said regarding this ayah:The words “healing from every disease” are like the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Destroying everything by the Command of its Lord” [al-Ahqaaf 46:25]. That is, it (the storm or wind referred to in the previous verse) destroyed everything that could be destroyed, and the like. – Zaad al-Ma’ad.Please note that use of honey is subject to the medical condition of the patient. If a patient is diabetic you should avoid use of honey.


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