Section: Practical Examples of the Treatment of the Evil Eye


Case One: A baby who refuses its mother's breastfeedingWhile I was on a visit to some of my relatives, I was informed that a baby refused to breastfeed by its mother, for a few days, after he had been breastfeeding normally. I told them: "Bring the baby" When they brought the baby, I recited the Ruqyah for it, using chapters 112, 113 and 114 of the Qur'an and some invocations, then told them, “Take it to its mother.” After a moment, they returned and informed me that the baby was breastfeeding normally, thanks to Allah.
Case Two: A child who becomes dumb
There was a bright eloquent teenager, who was prominent among his peers at the intermediate level of school. He was their spokesman at meetings or gatherings, and would chat with people at parties. One day, one of his townsmen died, and he went to the funeral with his family. There, he praised Allah and delivered a well expressed sermon. In the evening of the same day, he suddenly went dumb. His father was stunned, and took him to the hospital, where he underwent the necessary examinations with X-rays. But, it was to no avail. His father brought him to me. He was in such a terrible state that, had I not controlled myself I almost cried, because I knew him as an active Muslim at school. I asked his father what was wrong with him. He told me the story, and the child remained silent. I knew then that he was affected by an evil eye. I recited the Ruqyah on him, using chapters 113 and 114 of the Qur'an, and recited the invocations of Ruqyah against the evil eye on some water and advised the father to give the water to his son to drink and wash with for a period of seven days. After seven days, the boy recovered and became as eloquent as he was before. taught him some invocations to say in the morning and evening, as protective measures against the evil eye.
Case Three: An amazing story
This incident took place in my house. One day, a man and an old lady visited me. The man sat with me and told me his mother's story, and his mother sat with my wife. I called the old lady and recited a Ruqyah on her. When they left, I looked around in the house and noticed a lot of white maggots. I was surprised. My wife cleaned the house with a sweeper, but shortly afterwards they came back and spread in all the rooms I said to my wife, "Let us think about it." She asked what the old woman had told me. I replied, "She looked at every part of the house for a long while, without saying anything," I immediately understood it was an evil eye that hit our house, despite the fact that it was very modest But perhaps, the old lady was living in the countryside and she had never seen urban life. Nevertheless, I recited the Ruqyah of the evil eye on some water and sprinkled it in all the parts of the house. A moment later, the white maggots completely disappeared, and the house returned to its original state. And All Praise is Due to Allah.


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