Section: Signs And Symptoms


Constant yawning without wanting sleep1Constant burping without eating.2Symptoms increase when reading or listening to the Qur’an.3Itching when the person afflicted carries out an act for which the evil eye has been given, For example if the evil eye has been given because of a person's wealth, they will start itching when they come into contact with money.4Appearance of spots and boils on the body/ face.5Tight chested.6Tiredness/ Laziness.7Insomnia.8Waswasah (constant whispering).9Putting on weight without necessarily eating more.10Cases of Cancer.11Some cases of Psychological conditions such as delusion and fear.12Forgetfulness and sleepiness while doing studying, reading Quran or going to school etc.13Headaches.14Allergies, rhinitis and sinusitis.15Sneezing a lot for no reason.16Cold/ flu.17Hair Loss.18Darkening under the eyes.19Becoming pale.20Permanent headaches.21Spots under the skin.22Pains at the mouth of the stomach which doctors cannot explain.23The desire to get out of the house or hatred in staying indoors.24The feeling of death and despair.25Seeing dead people in your sleep, lizards or cats.26To see people who have given you the evil eye looking at you in a strange and scary way.27Physical ailments which doctors cannot explain and going from one problem to another.28Seeing ants in the house.29Children crying constantly for no reason.


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