Section: Constitutions or body types

184. Introduction

Hippocrates said that: “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease, than to know what sort of a disease a person has."This principle has all but completely departed from the practice of modern medicine but still remains an integral part of the practice of traditional medicine like Unani-Tibb and TCM. It is perhaps the most important criteria in both the identification of the nature of the disease as well as the selection of a treatment method. Understanding the type of person, their temperament as well as their lifestyle, social and environmental influences and history can make the difference between a successful resolution of the presenting illness and a litany of inaccurate diagnoses and ineffective treatments.Recognising the body types is not difficult to master. There are 4 primary constitutions or body types within the Unani philosophy and 5 within the Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy. These can be combined into 5 main body types for the purposes of determining the suitability of Hijamah. They are as follows:

185. Fire constitution (Hot and Moist - Sanguinous)

They have a strong circulatory system and manifest with red facial hues. These individuals have a hotter temperament, their build is large with more muscle, the skin is warmer, their complexion is reddish in colour and glowing, and the veins are prominent. They usually have broad paravertebral muscles and well-proportioned shoulders, upper back and thighs. Their head is smaller and somewhat pointed, with a pointed chin, small hands and feet and usually curly hair, often these individuals may have an early receding hairline.They suffer from excessive thirst and are uncomfortable in the hot season. They tend to wear less clothing than others do and will sleep with the windows open. They may also be short in stature (dynamite in a small package) and have an "explosive" personality and tend to excessive laughter, they are persuasive, sociable, outgoing, talkative, all embracing, affectionate, expansive, generous, intuitive, warm and bright. Fire personalities are trusting, open minded, social, and fond of beauty. They are spontaneous and often funny.Potential disorders they may suffer from include insomnia, arrhythmias, paranoia, restlessness, palpitations, nervous exhaustion, anxiety, agitation.

186. Wood constitution - (Hot and Dry - Bilious)

They have softer skin, more fat, medium to muscular body with prominent veins. They are resourceful, outspoken, and may be short-tempered.Other words that describe them may include forceful, determined, bold, decisive, clear, tendency to overdo, over direct, over perform.They also have small and shapely hands and feet, broad shoulders and a straight flat back. By nature these individuals enjoy the spring and summer seasons and tend to dislike autumn and winter, as their constitution leaves them more vulnerable to pathogenic invasion and disease during these seasons. They have strong sinews and tendons and tend to manifest with green bluish facial hues.Wood constitutions tend to be kind, merciful, creative, and free in self-expression. They can also manifest stubbornness, dominance and may have issues with anger, excessive aggressiveness and are almost always overachievers. When sick they can be unassertive, unsure of themselves and their role in life. They may experience difficulties in expressing themselves, and have weak boundaries, and display timidity and self-doubt.Potential disorders include blood glucose issues, PMS, muscle pains, allergies and hayfever, depressive episodes, epilepsy, intolerance, impatience, vascular o rmigraine headaches, They may also suffer from diarrhea and frequent indigestion.

187. Metal constitution (Cold and Dry - Melancholic)

Their skin is dry and rough, they are more slender than the average, appear thin and bony and dont put on weight easily even though they may have a voracious appetite, they do not tolerate dry foods. They like moist things, hot water and thin oils are readily absorbed by their skin. The complexion is sometimes described as greyish, sooty or otherwise they appear white and pale but not shiny, they tend to be thoughtful, logical, analytical, and are perfectionists. Other words that describe them include self restraint, methodical, efficient, and disciplined, lives according to principle, sense of symmetry, logical mind, purity of ideals.Potential disorders include frequent Infections, chronic cough, COPD, sinus infections, dry skin, hair, skin disorders, stiff joints and muscles, shallow breathing, poor circulation.

188. Water constitution (Cold and Moist - Phlegmatic)

These individuals are often overweight and their skin feels cold to the touch. They have thin hair, a whitish shiny complexion, and laxity in the joints. In cold weather they become pale, leaden colored and have small veins. Their digestion is sluggish and often suffers from constipation. They tend to have a large round face, head and body, long upper back, large hips and may have uneven physical proportions.They tend to be calm, accommodating, patient and good listeners.Potential disorders include edema, urinary infections, impotence and infertility, low back weakness and pain, weak knees, deterioration of teeth, loss of libido.

189. Earth constitution

These individuals tend to have somewhat larger bodies and over proportioned head and abdomen, strong thighs, round face and wide jaw line. Their limbs are well proportioned and they often carry excess "flesh”.Balanced Earth personalities are predisposed to quiet peaceful lives unconcerned with wealth and fame. They are always at peace, calm and generous, forgiving and sincere. In life they are analytical, practical and logical with strong adaptability to changing circumstances.Earth constitutions can develop digestive and gastrointestinal tract illnesses as these organs can get injured with excessive worrying and over thinking.Qualities that describe an earth constitution include being practical, down-to-earth, intelligent, anticipating, meeting needs of the family, kind, supportive, pliant, reliable. They can sometimes however become too pushy and possessive.Potential disorders include weight difficulties, obsessions, worry, self-doubt, digestive disturbances, low energy, cold limbs, food allergies, weak muscles, and unrealistic expectations, meddling, overprotective.

190. Constitutions suited to Hijamah

Of these only the Fire, Wood and to a lesser extent Earth constitutions are suited to regular Hijamah. These constitutions display an excess of either (liver/ heart) heat and blood in the case of the fire type, (liver) heat and stagnation in the case of the wood type, or stagnation and (stomach) heat in the case of the Earth type. They therefore benefit tremendously from Hijamah done as a general health preservation modality.For the other constitutions, Hijamah is not generally indicated and if done must be done keeping in mind the principles of Hijamah done in illness. Too much blood must also not be removed as these individuals are already either deficient in blood (metal type) or deficient in heat (water type). There are times however when Hijamah applied in specific areas and for specific illnesses can be beneficial.


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