Section: Introduction


In the Sunnah Hijama was praised by the Prophet (Allah’s peace be upon him) and it may be regarded as a safe, non-invasive and economical way of curing and preventing many diseases. Though Chinese use of this method was limited to certain medical complications like lungs infection, colds, to treat internal organs’ disorders, joint pain, etc. the scope of hijama in terms of benefit is much greater in the Sunnah.The word ‘hijama’ means ‘drawing out’ in Arabic. It is now being recognized as an alternative medicine or alternative way of treating different diseases and bodily disorders. Some sections of the modern medical community also endorse the various benefits of hijama and even encourage its practice for certain diseases.In this non-surgical procedure, toxic or ‘bad’ blood is drawn out from the body. Certain ‘hijama points’ on the body are addressed to do so. On such selected points, blood is encouraged to accumulate and then sucked out by using a little vacuum system. The blood is made to accumulate on the surface of the skin where minute incisions are introduced on the skin; the blood comes out from the incisions and is collected in a cup from where it is removed.Many scholars have mentioned that Hijamah is one of the effective means in curing magic affliction by extracting the substance of magic from the place in which it rests.Ibn Al-Qayim (R) said that Abu Obeid (R) mentioned in his book (Gharib Al-Hadith) that Abulrahman related that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) used Hijamah when he was affected with magic. Abu Obeid (R) also added that those with little knowledge can not see the relation between Hijamah and magic or this ailment and cure. He thus stated that if Hippocrates or Ibn Sina were to find a text saying so, they would have readily accepted it. The prophet, whose knowledge can not be doubted, advised the use of Hijamah. He knew that the magic material in his body settles in his head, affecting one of this powers whereby he would imagine doing things which did not actually do; this is a typical behavior of a magician in reality. The material used in the magic resulted in a change in his mood, altering its natural disposition.Ibn Al-Qayim (R) also added regarding the treatment of magic that using Hijamah in the place afflicted with magic is the best cure if used in the ascribed manner (Zaad Al-Maad-4/125-126). Al-Qayim (R) also maintained that Hijamah was used by the prophet (ﷺ) a means of treatment even before it was revealed to him that he was under the effect of magic (Al-Tib Al-Nabawi -p.118).The act of performing Hijama (cupping) is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and it is extensively reported in a wide collection of authentic ahadith. Its practice is strongly recommended and emphasized in a number of narrations. The practice of Hijama forms an integral part of Islamic Prophetic Medicine.Hijama was a common practice of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his companions for the treatment of a range of ailments as well as a form of body maintenance and health promotion.


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