Section: Magic and the stomach


There is another useful treatment for magic that presents itself through bloating in the stomach, abdominal pain, and/or nausea, and a desire to vomit. Notice that this post is not named 'magic in the stomach', but 'magic and the stomach'. That's because one of the most misdiagnosed things in Ruqyah is that the magic has been eaten. While it is true that magic can be fed to a person, this is less common than people imagine it to be. It has reached the extent that some Ruqyah practitioners have no other treatment than to say the magic has been fed, and that the person needs to be forced to vomit, through an emetic.At the same time, there is a legitimate reason why these cases are misdiagnosed, and that is because many forms of magic present themselves through bloating in the stomach, abdominal pain, or nausea. Many patients find a degree of relief from the emetic, and so this fuels the misdiagnosis that a huge portion of people in the world have been fed magic.An alternative treatment to a strong emetic, but which will - insha'Allah - bring the same kind of relief to someone who is suffering from magic that is presenting itself through stomach pains, bloating, or nausea and a desire to vomit. The ingredients are very mild, and are rooted in prophetic medicine, so we hope that it will be better tolerated than the usual means of forcing a patient to vomit. Once again, it should be emphasised that you should consult a medical professional before using these treatments.1. 1/2 kg of Honey2. 1 tablespoon of ground Black Seed (nigella sativa) 3. 1 tablespoon of ground Meccan Senna 4. 1 tablespoon of ground Rhubarb (also called Rhubarb root powder)5. 1 tablespoon of ground CuminMix all together, then every morning:Stir the mixture with a spoon, then bring a cup of water (Zamzam water would be best), and add a tablespoon of the above mixture to it, mix until the honey is dissolved in the water, then drink from it. Do this every day until the mixture finishes.It is preferred to use Ruqyah water, rather than water that has not been recited upon.Also, one can try mixtures which flush and clean the system. Search google for "Heavy Metal Detox" and "Parasite Detox" - there are a few simple recipes with juices, organic foods etc. They have shown to be a big help for people with Jinn related issues that present as abdominal bloating/pain, and are generally very well tolerated.


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