773. Dua to seek good character
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to say:
اَللَّهُمَّ أَحْسَنْتَ خَلْقِيْ فَأَحْسِنْ خُلُقِيْ
Allaahumma a’hsanta khalqi fa a’hsin khuluqi
O Allah, you have perfected my creation, so too perfect my character.
ReferenceSahih (Albani). Ahmad: 24392
Related Duas:
To seek forgiveness for sins committed intentionally or unintentionally
Refuge to Allah from displeasing things #4
Seeking refuge from evil
Refuge to Allah from displeasing things #6
Wishing for the welfare of the world and the Hereafter
Dua when in distress #2
Dua for easy reckoning
Seeking refuge from known and unknown shirk
Seeking refuge from bad neighbors
Seeking beneficial knowledge and seeking refuge from harmful knowledge
Dua for gaining deep knowledge of religion
Seeking forgiveness by Allah's greatest name #3