522. Lightning strikes #1
Abdullah ibn Zubayr (RA) used to say when he heard the thunder -
سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي يُسَبِّحُ الرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ مِنْ خِيْفَتِهِ
Subhaanal-lathee yusabbihur-ra'du bihamdihi wal-malaa'ikatu min kheefatihi
Glory is to Him Whom thunder and angels glorify due to fear of Him.
ReferenceSahih (Albani). Adabul Mufrad: 560
Related Duas:
Dua to read in case of wind / storm
Prayer for rain (Salatul Istisqa)
Dua during the rain #2
Dua to avoid damage due to rain # 1
Atonement for bad omen
Dua to avoid damage due to rain # 3
Istisqa or prayer for Rain #1
Dua to avoid damage due to rain # 4
When strong winds begin to blow
Dua to avoid damage due to rain # 2
Touching Rainwater
Seeing the clouds condense #1