373. Seeking refuge from the torment of the grave and the Dajjal
نَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ عَذَابِ النَّارِ نَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ نَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الْفِتَنِ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ نَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الدَّجَّالِ
NA‛oodhu billaahi min ‘adhaabin naar. NA‛oodhu billaahi min ‘adhaabil qabr. NA‛oodhu billaahi minal fitaani maa zahara minhaa wa maa batan. NA‛oodhu billaahi min fitnatid dajjaal
We seek refuge with Allah from the torment of Hell, Seek refuge with Allah from the torment of the grave. We seek refuge with Allah from turmoil and its visible and invisible aspects. We seek refuge with Allah from the turmoil of the Dajjal.
Related Duas:
Dua for expelling the devil and his whisperings #3
Seeking refuge from the devil when leaving the mosque
When you enter the mosque, seek refuge from the devil #1
Dua when afflicted by whisperings of the devil in prayer or recitation
Dua for expelling the devil and his whisperings #1
What should be said to chase shaytaan
Pray to Allah for refuge from Satan
Prayers and answers for the father of the newborn #1
Satan's enmity towards the newborn
When faced with a difficult matter
If something unpleasant happens
Prayer for the suppression of anger #2