368. Dua upon hearing the crowing of a rooster, the braying of a donkey or the barking of a dog at night

أَعُوْذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيـمِ

A'oodhu billaahi minash-Shaytaanir-rajeem


I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "When you hear the crowing of rooster, ask for Allah's Blessings for (their crowing indicates that) they have seen an angel. And when you hear the braying of donkeys, seek Refuge with Allah from Satan for (their braying indicates) that they have seen a Satan. [1] In another narration when you hear the rooster crowing, ask Allah for some of His grace, for they have seen as angel; but when you hear donkey braying, seek refuge in Allah from the devil, for it has seen the devil. [2]

Reference[1] Bukhari: 3303 [2] Sahih (Albani). Abu Dawud: 5103


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