Section: Supplication And Fate


Supplication is the closest form of worship to Allah. Abu Hurairah (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said:"The most beloved worship to Allah is supplication."Thawban (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said:"Righteous deeds increase one's lifespan. Supplication affect what is predestined. A man loses what he has (or can gain), due to sins." [Ibn Majah and Ahmad]Mu'adh Ibn Jabal (Ra) relates that the Prophet (ﷺ) is said,"Cautiousness can never affect fate, but supplication can do so providing that you continue supplicating to Allah." [Ahmad]Salman (Ra) related that the Prophet (ﷺ) said,"Destiny can only be deterred by supplication."Concerning this the Prophet (ﷺ) said,"Whoever invokes Allah to have something, Allah will surely give him what he asks for, or will remove some evil which is impending unless he asks for the committing of a sin or to severe the ties of kinship". [Muslim]Thus, we can notice the benefits and values of supplication. Not only is it an act of worship that entails reward, but it is also a useful means in deterring misfortunes and attaining future favours.Some people may ask, what is the benefit of supplication if what I ask for is already predetermined? I will surely get it and if it is not predestined, I will never get it.Ibn Al-Qayyim (R.A) answered,"If we follow the aforementioned approach we will neglect all kinds of means. What is the benefit of food if satiety is predestined? What is the benefit of having sexual intercourse with one's wife if a child is predestined?"Al-Ghazali (R.A) said,"Of the requirements of destiny is to invoke Allah for deterring some affliction. Just as a shield is a means to protect one's body from a sword and water is a vital means for cultivation, so too is supplication a means to deter affliction. Thus, to believe in destiny does not mean to put your weapon aside."Allah said (regarding taking precautions): "Taking all precautions, and bearing arms" [An Nisa: 102]In this respect Ibn Hajr (R.A) said, "The benefit of supplication is to attain reward because of obedience or because our request may be conditional upon our supplication since Allah is the Creator of means."Thus, doing righteous deeds, as mentioned in the above hadith, is a means for long life. Once the means has been achieved the goal will follow and all are destined to Allah.It is related that when Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (Ra) had refused to enter a town afflicted by the plague, someone asked him, if he were intending to try to escape Allah's Will. Umar (Ra) replied,"I am escaping Allah's Will to enter Allah's Will."Ja'far (Ra) also said, "Allah has intended something for us and desired us to do something, the former has been hidden but the latter clarified. O why are we preoccupied with what he has intended and leave the other aside."Allah, orders us to supplicate to Him otherwise we will entail His wrath. Abu Hurayrah (Ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Whoever does not supplicate to Allah, entails his wrath."It is considered as akin to arrogance and independence from Allah as if the person neglecting du'a tries to exalt himself above Allah.Anas (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Ask Allah is to give you what you need even if you want to have your shoes repaired."Thabit Al-Bunani (R.A.) added to these above hadith the following, "Even if you need salt and want to have your shoes repaired."


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