757. Seeking beneficial knowledge and seeking refuge from harmful knowledge
On the authority of Jaabir ibn Abdullah (RA). he said The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Ask Allah for beneficial knowledge and seek refuge from that type of knowledge which is not beneficial.
Related Duas:
Dua to seek good character
Seeking refuge from unpleasant day and night and bad companions
Seeking refuge from harmful knowledge and rejection of duas
Seeking refuge from the burden of debt, victory and rejoicing of the enemy
Repent to Allah and ask forgiveness
Dua for seeking forgiveness
Dua for saving the eyes, ears, tongue and heart from evil
Dua for being steadfast and right
Dua for seeking forgiveness, sustenance and healthy life
Seeking blessed life and easy death
Seeking good of this world and the hereafter #2
Dua for gaining dignity from Allah and His grace and His revenge against the enemies