Section: Difference between Ar-rabt, Al-'ajz al-jinsi (impotence) and Adh-dhu'f al-jinsi (sexual weakness)


For the treatment of ar-rabt, refer to the nine methods mentioned above. As regards al-'ajz al-jinsi (sexual inability/ impotence), it may be treated by doctors [If they could] However, as for adh-dhu'f al-jinsi (sexual weakness), use the following treatment:1. Mix one kilogram of pure honey with two hundred grams of local ghiza' malikat an-nahl (honey produced by the queen bee) Preferably, the honey should be fresh, as it is only preserved in the freeze, and its nutritional value diminishes daily, until it is lost completely. There are three types of queen bee honey, listed below as by order of quality: a). Al-Ghida' Al-Jabali: the highest quality, found in some Yemeni regions and Saudi Arabiab). Al-Ghida'u Al-Misri (Egyptian) c). Al-Ghida'u At-turki (Turkish) d). Exported2. Recite al-Fatiha, Ash-shrh (94), ayatul kursi, al-Falaq (113), and An-nas (114) over the mixture.3. Eat three spoons every morning, before eating any food, one spoon before lunch, and one spoon one hour before dinner.4. Continue the course of treatment for one or two months, depending on the degree of weakness; and the sihr would -by Allah's Leave-be invalidated.


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