Section: Sterility in Women


There are two types:1. Natural Sterility. 2. Sterility caused by sihr: The Jinn settles in the womb and destroys the ovum, so fertilisation does not take place. Sometimes, the Jinn lets the process of fertilisation and pregnancy take place However, after several months of pregnancy, he stomps a vein in the womb, causing bleeding and thus prompting a miscarriage. The repeated miscarriages which women had in the past are mostly caused by the interference of Jinn. As a matter of fact, similar cases have been treated. This presence of Jinn in man's body is confirmed by the tradition: ``The Satan circulates in man's body like blood."Treatment of Sterility1. Listening to the Ruqyah on an audiotape, three times a day. 2. Reciting or listening to the Assaffat surah, in the morning.3. Reciting or listening to the Al-Ma'arij chapter, before going to bed.4. The healer should recite the following chapters and verses of the Qur'an on some black seed oil and advise the patient to rub the oil on the chest, forehead and spine before going to bed: AlFatiha, Ayatul kursi, the last verses of Al-Baqara and Ali Imran.5. The healer should recite the same verses over some pure honey and advise the patient to take one spoon, every morning before eating.The patient should follow this course of treatment for several months, abiding by Allah's Command with respect to lawfulness and unlawfulness in order to be counted among the truthful believers whom Allah (SWT) exclusively cures with the Qur'an as the following verse indicates: وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانِ مَا هُوَ شِفَآءٞ وَرَحۡمَةٞ لِّلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ Translation: (And We send down, of the Qur'an, that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers... (17:82).In fact, several cases of this type of sterility have been treated, by the Grace of Allah (SWT).


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