Section: Ar-Rabt in Women (sexual frigidity)


Just as a man suffers from ar-rabt (penile erection failure) and is unable to have sexual intercourse with his wife, a woman, too, may suffer from ar-rabt (frigidity). There are five types of rabtin women:1. Rabt al-man' (obstruction): It occurs when a woman prevents her husband from having sexual intercourse with her by tightly joining her legs together and obstructing his penis from entering into her vagina. This reaction is automatic and beyond her control, but one young man whose wife was affected by this type of sihr, criticised his wife for her response, so she explained that it was beyond her control. One day, she told him to put iron shackles between her legs to keep them apart before, starting sexual intercourse. He did that, but it was to no avail. Alternatively, she told him to give her a drug injection if he wants to have sexual intercourse with her. It worked, but only one partner benefited.2. Rabt at-taballud (lack of sexual feeling): The Jinn entrusted with the mission of sihr settles in the centre of sexual feeling in the woman's brain and causes her to lose her sexual feeling, at the moment of sexual intercourse with her husband. As a result, she feels no sexual pleasure and does not respond to her husband. Her body becomes numb even if her husband does what he wishes with her. In this type of sihr, the glands do not release the fluid which lubricates the vagina, and therefore, the sexual act cannot be achieved.3. Rabt An-nazif (bleeding at the time of sexual intercourse): This is different from sihr an-nazif in one aspect. While, rabt An-nazif is confined to the time of sexual intercourse, sihr an-nazit may last for several days. In this type of sihr, the Jinn causes heavy bleeding to the targeted woman at the time of sexual intercourse with her husband, and thus prevents the man from having sexual intercourse with his wife. One day, one man, who was a soldier, told me that whenever he came home for holidays, his wife would bleed as soon as he arrived home. The bleeding would last for the holiday period which was approximately five days, but would stop as soon as he went back to work.4. Rabt Al-Insidad (blockage in the vagina): It occurs when a man finds an obstacle of flesh in the vagina which prevents the penetration of the penis, so sexual intercourse is not achieved.5. Rabt At-taghwir (loss of virginity): It occurs when a man marries a virgin woman, but finds her to be without her virginity at their first sexual intercourse. As a result, doubts are raised concerning her past. However, the virginity returns once the sihris neutralised.


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