Section: Sihr Ar-Rabt (Penile Erection Problems During Sexual Intercourse)


Definition of RabtAr-rabt is the inability of a physically fit and healthy man to have sexual intercourse with his wife.
How Sihr Ar-Rabt is Done
The Jinn entrusted with the task of sihr setties in a man's brain, precisely in the centre of sexual excitement which sends codes to the sexual organs; and lets the sexual organs function normally But, when a man approaches his wife, with the intention of having sexual intercourse, the Jinn thwarts the centre of sexual excitement in the brain and blocks the signals sent to the organs which pump blood into the penis for erection Consequently, the blood drawbacks rapidly from the penis, and the penis shrinks.A man, for instance, may be normal when making love to his wife; that is, with an erected penis. However, when he is about to penetrate intercourse, his penis shrinks, so he cannot have sexual intercourse; and erection is an essential ingredient in achieving sexual intercourse, as we know. Sometimes a man with two wives may be affected with the sihr of rabt, but only with one wife. This is because the Jinn of this type of sihr only hinders the centre of sexual excitement when the man approaches that specific wife.


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