Section: Important Facts on Sihr
1. The symptoms may be similar to those of lunacy.2. Constant stomach aches indicate that the patient has eaten or drunk the sihr that was prepared against him/her 3. Treatment with the Qur'an is possible provided that:a) The healer is a righteous man. b) The patient is confident and convinced of the effectiveness of treatment with the Qur'an. 4. Most types of sihr share one common symptom: a feeling of tightness in the chest, especially during the night.5. The disclosure of the site where the object of sihr is buried may be obtained by: a) Information given by the Jinn entrusted with the task of sihr. However, do not believe him until you have sent someone to look for the sihr at the location specified by the Jinn. If the sihr is found, then the Jinn is telling the truth, otherwise the Jinn was telling lies.b) Observing two rak'as at the last third part of the night by the patient or healer in a faithful, truthful, peaceful and submissive way. During this salat, the patient or healer should make a supplication to Allah (SWT) in which he asks Him to show him the place where the sihr is buried One may have a vision during sleep, have a feeling or be strongly convinced about the burial place of sihr. If this is achieved, one should be grateful to Allah (SWT). 6. One may recite the Ruqyah on some black seed oil and advise the patient to rub it on any painful or affected areas of the body in the morning and evening This is valid for all types of sihr.The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Al-habba as-sawda' (black seed) is a cure for every disease, except death." [Al-Bukhari: 5687 and Muslim: 2215] In some countries, al-habba assawda' is known as habbatu al-baraka, and in others as shanuji shuniz. According to Muslim's wording: "There is a cure for every disease in al-habba as-sawda (black seed), except death." [Muslim (2215) on the authority of Abu Hurayra, in the Book of As-Salam, Chapter: Treatment with Black Seed]