Section: Lawful Sihr
This is my advice to a Muslim woman that if she wants to enchant her husband, she can do so by:1. Making herself look very beautiful and attractive to her husband, without letting him come across any ugly feature or unpleasant smell in you.2. Giving him a nice smile3. Talking to him nicely4. Keeping good company with him 5. Safeguarding his wealth 6. Taking good care of your children 7. Obeying him in all matters, except a matter in which he obliges you to disobey AllahHowever, there is a stark contradiction in our society today, concerning these matters. For example, if a woman is invited to a party at her friend's, she would wear her best dress and her best jewelry as if she were on her wedding night When she comes back home, she takes off her jewelry and puts it back for the next party or the next visit, whilst her poor husband, who has bought that jewelry and that dress is deprived of enjoying her wearing them. He always sees her in old garments, with the smell of cooking, onions and garlic. If she were a bit considerate, she would realise that her husband is the one who deserves to see her in such a beautiful appearance Therefore, when your husband goes to work, try to finish the housework, then wash yourself, make yourself look beautiful and attractive, and wait for him. When he comes back home, and sees a beautiful woman before him, finds dinner ready and a tidy home, his love for you will increase and he will feel very much more attached to you. Hence, this is the lawful form of sihr, especially if your intention in making yourself look beautiful is to obey Allah and help your husband abstain from looking at other women. A person who is full up (has eaten food) does not have a desire for food, but a person who is deprived of food has a craving for it.