Section: Definition of Sihr of Separation


IntroductionIt is a sihr which aims to separate between two spouses, or stir up hatred between two friends or two partners.
Types of Sihr of Separation
1. Separating a person from his/her mother.2. Separating a person from his/her father.3. Separating a person from his/her brother.4. Separating a person from his/her friend.5. Separating a person from his/her business partner.6. Separating a person from his/her spouse. This is the most dangerous and prevalent type.
Symptoms of Sihr of Separation
1. A sudden change in attitude from love to hate.2. A great deal of suspicion is aroused between the two people concerned.3. No excuses are accepted by either party, even if one of them is in the wrong.4. Exagerating the causes of disputes between two people, even though they may be trivial.5. Changing the mental image that a woman may have of her husband, or changing the mental image that a man may have of his wife; so that the man would see his wife in an ugly way, even though she were beautiful in reality, it is the demon who is entrusted with the task of performing this type of sihr is the one who would appear to the husband in her person, but in an ugly way. By the same token, the woman would see her husband in a horrible way.6. The person affected by sihr hates anything the other party does.7. The person affected by sihr hates the place in which the other party stays. For instance, a husband may be in a good mood when he is outdoors, but when he returns home, he feels quiete depressed.According to Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir (R), the cause of separation between two spouses through this sihr is that each of them appears to the other as an ugly or ill-mannered person. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir: 1/144]
How does the sihr of separation take place?
A person goes to a sorcerer and requests that a certain person be separated from his wife. The sorcerer would ask his client to provide the name of the person and that of his mother, and traces of the person's smell from his/her hair, garment or handkerchief etc. If this is too difficult to obtain, the sorcerer would perform sihr on some water, then ask his client to spill it along the way which that person normally uses. If a person crosses the place of water, then he/she would be affected by sihr. Another way of doing it is by adding the water into his food or drink.


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