Section: Ruqyah for children


When it comes to children, Ruqyah is often easier than for adults, and the results can often be achieved more quickly. Ruqyah cases in children can be divided into three categories:1. Concern for children, without confirmed symptoms. This may involve medical problems that do not have a solution or a general feeling that the children have been plagued by the evil eye or that they are "not themselves." The full Ruqyah program is less suitable for children at this stage. One can recommend the 7-day Ruqyah Program, but without the honey for children less than one year old. The recitation can be done by the parents, and the program is usually well tolerated by people of all ages.2. Confirmed symptoms, without a strong reaction from the child, and without the Jinn taking over. Symptoms can be the result of the treatment mentioned above, or when the child is displaying clear symptoms, but without a Jinn manifesting itself. For these children, the full Ruqyah program is recommended, but the Ruqyah can be performed in a very passive way. That means that the child doesn't have to sit like a statue, and there should be nothing that could scare the child, such as shouting. There is no need for the hijaamah to be applied either. For the majority of children, this treatment is enough to get rid of all symptoms, without any discomfort to the child, and without any of the usual Jinn-related antics.3. Severe cases, in which the Jinn takes over the child, and the child becomes either extremely vocal or even violent. Once again, the full Ruqyah program is recommend, without hijaamah, but it may be necessary to be a little more active, keeping the child near, and pushing the Ruqyah a little more.At all times, the safety and well-being of the child is of paramount importance. The child is not an adult, so one should not treat it like one. The child should feel as comfortable with Ruqyah as it possibly can. One should keep it relaxed and happy, and regularly check if they are OK. If necessary, play with them so they can relax. If you are a Raqi and are only coming for the Ruqyah, then try to be around the child for a little while outside of the Ruqyah session, to help them feel more comfortable with you.NEVER hit a child! Hitting a Ruqyah patient isn't a good idea at the best of times, and can lead to a rather long prison sentence, but hitting a child could cause them serious injury, and many children have died as a result of 'beating the Jinn'. All you have done in this case is to do the work of the shayțan for them. If the Jinn is moving around in the body, a gentle massage of the affected area is more than enough. It will relax the child and put pressure on the Jinn. It is also very 'forgiving' in the sense that if you get the wrong place, it will not cause any harm to the child at all.The hardest thing about Ruqyah for children is that children are not able to explain their experiences and feelings like adults. They may naturally be fidgety and move around. This should not be misunderstood as a Jinn problem. Take time to observe the child, both inside and outside of the Ruqyah, to establish a baseline, in terms of the behaviour of the child, and what might be considered abnormal.If the child is old enough to understand, try to discuss with them, and most importantly, remove the fear of the shayțan from them. Fear of the shayțan can be much worse in children than adults, and we don't want the children scared to go to sleep. Make light of the issue, and tell them how weak the shayțan is, and how he runs away from the Qur'an. Teach them simple things to say to protect themselves, like some of the things mentioned here.When the Jinn speaks, one should try to bring him to Islam and convince him that he has to leave the body. (See chapter "Conversation with Jinn")There isn't one best time to perform Ruqyah, but if one notices the symptoms are bad at a certain time, such as after Maghrib, then one should do it when one feels the symptoms are strongest. Otherwise whenever it is most comfortable for the child.One should be willing to change the time and the method, depending on progress. At the same time, one should not change too quickly, as this encourages the shayțan to manipulate one.


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