Section: Important


You may hesitate to get into the bath - this is shaytaan doing his utmost to put doubts in your mind and put you off doing the bath as, by Allah's will, it will weaken and hurt them. If you feel yourself hesitating or doubting, say 'Bismillah' and go forth. Don't think about it, just go ahead and do it.It is possible that you may feel like you are in pain and that the bath is causing you pain. This is actually a GOOD sign because this means your body is healing inshaAllah. One should then do his best and try to endure the pain. Even if you do not feel pain or something else, you should continue with the bath.Do the baths for seven days in a row. Don't falter - be strong in your resolve and have confidence that Allah will help you through the recitation and the Ruqya which you have done. After seven days you should continue with the bath as often as possible but at least once every two days. The more you do it the better.Sometimes it is necessary to support the treatment with hijamah (cupping) so that the magic can get out. You have to put the cupping head as close as possible to where the symptoms are.Hijamah is not difficult and harmless when practiced with some care. However, it would go beyond the purpose of this book to explain the techniques more closely. Yet, it should not be difficult to learn basic knowledge over the Internet and to consult a practitioner.


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