Section: It is prohibited to sacrifice animals for Jinn


All the scholars agreed that the sacrifice for the Jinn is haram; rather, it is a form of polytheism, because it is not done for Allah (SWT). Therefore, it is not lawful for a Muslim to eat from it, let alone to do it. Yet we see ignorant people, in all times and places, practising such evil acts. Yahya ibn Yahya (R) said: “Wahb (R) told me that once, in Makka, people dug a source (of water) and wanted to run its course, so they sacrificed an animal for the jinn (at the devils' request so that they would not ruin the water in return), and fed people. When Ibn Shihab (R) received the news, he said: “The sacrifice of the animal) is haram, and he has fed people with unlawful meat; for the Prophet (ﷺ) has prohibited offering slaughtered animals for Jinn". [Ākām al-marjan (78)]Anyone who slaughters animals not for Allah is cursed. ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) reported that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Allah has cursed those who sacrifice for anyone besides Allah”. [Recorded by Muslim]


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