63. Dua of a Muslim in the absence of another Muslim
Narrated from Umm Darda (RA), she said to Safwan (RA), Do you intend to perform Hajj during this year? I said: Yes. She said: Do supplicate Allah for blessings upon us, for Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) used to say: The supplication of a Muslim for his brother at his back (in his absence) is responded so long as he makes a supplica tion for blessings for his brother and the commissioned Angel says: Amen, and says: May it be for you too.
Related Duas:
Making dua by the help of the greatest name of Allah
Supplication of the oppressed person
Another time when dua is accepted
Dua of an oppressed person
Making dua by the help of good deeds is a way of dua is being accepted
An example of accepting the prayers of the oppressed
Who wakes up at night and recites certain dua
Dua of the warrior in the path of Allah
Dua recited during Tashahhud
Dua of fasting person
When in danger
Upon breaking fast (Iftar)