Section: Counting this tasbeeh by finger
Praise be to AllaahCounting tasbeeh, the Sunnah is to use the fingers of the right hand, although it is permitted to use the left hand. The evidence that the right hand is preferable was reported by Abu Dawood (Ra), who said: Ubayd-Allaah ibn Umar ibn Maysarah and Muhammad ibn Qudaamah, among others, told us: Aththaam told us from al-Amash from Ataa ibn al-Saaib from his father from Abd-Allaah ibn Amr who said: I saw the Messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) counting the tasbeeh. Ibn Qudaamah said: With his right hand. [Sunan Abi Dawood, Kitaab al-Salaat, Baab al-Tasbeeh bil-hasaa].It was said in Haashiyat al-Tahtaawi: It is correct that he (ﷺ) used to count the tasbeeh on his right hand. It was reported that he said: Count with your finger tips, for they will be asked and they will be made to speak. Ibn Hijr said: Counting the tasbeeh with the fingertips is better than using the subhah (prayer-beads or rosary).The sunnah is to count with the fingertips by putting them on the palm of the hand. As to precisely which finger of the right hand one should start with, I have no specific information on this.And Allaah knows best.