706. Dua for blessings in wealth and in children
اَللَّهُمَّ أَكْثِرْ مَالَهُ وَوَلَدَهُ وَبَارِكْ لَهُ فِيمَا أَعْطَيْتَهُ
Allaahumma Akthir Maalahu Wa waladahu wa baarik lahu Fimaa a'taitahu
O Allah! Increase his wealth and children, and bestow Your Blessing on whatever You give him.
Narrated by Anas (RA): My mother said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Please invoke Allah on behalf of your servant." He (ﷺ) said: (the dua is mentioned above)
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