543. When the sick have renounced all hope of life #1
Narrated Aisha (RA), she said, ‘The Prophet (ﷺ) was leaning towards me. Then I heard him say -
اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي، وَارْحَمْنِي، وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالرَّفِيقِ الْأَعْلَى
Allahum-maghfir lee warhamnee wa 'alhiqnee bir-rafeeqil-'a'laa
O Allah, forgive me and have mercy upon me and join me with the highest companions (in Paradise).
Related Duas:
Dua for sickness, wounds and pain
If there is a fear of being affected by the evil eye
Dua of sickness
When the sick have renounced all hope of life #2
Custody from evil eye
Next to the sick and dead person
Excellence of visiting the sick #1
Dua for martyrdom and death in Medina
Dua for healing oneself and others
When in fear of afflicting someone with one’s eye
To ward off the deception of the Obstinate Shaytans
Dua of poisonous sting