Section: Recite Qur'an over some Water and Blow into it, then Drink it and Bathe from it


A person can recite Quranic verses into some water, Then the sick person drinks from it and pours the rest of it over himself whilst bathing, "Just as the Prophet (ﷺ) did for Thābit Ibn Qais Ibn Shammas dicates. [Abu Dawood, no. 3885–declared hasan (good) by Shaikh Ibn Bāz in Majmu' Fatawa, 9/408, 409.] It is permitted to use that water in the bath or shower.Zamzam WaterIf one can recite into Zamzam water, then that is better due to the saying of the Prophet (ﷺ), "Indeed it is a blessed water, and a food that feeds, and a cure for illnesses." [Muslim, no. 2473. Saheeh At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb of Al-Albani, no. 1161] He usled said, “The water of Zamzam is for whatever a person drinks it for." [Ibn Mājah, 3062]In a narration he said, "If you drink it, you will be cured by it, may Allah cure you." [Authenticated by Al-Hakim, 1/473] It is reported from the Prophet (ﷺ), "He would carry Zamzam water in water containers and he would pourIt over the sick and give it to them to drink.” [See As-Sahihah, no. 883] And he said, "The best water on the face of the earth is Zamzam. It is a type of food and a healing for sickness." [Saheeh Al-Jami', 3302]Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim wice said, "Myself and others have tried curing with Zamzam water for curious and unfamiliar ailments. And with it, I cured numerous illnesses, so I gave them relief with Allah's permission." [Zād Al-Ma'ād, 4/178, 393] And there is no harm in entering the bathroom after that if one needs to. [Fatawa Al-Lajnah Ad-Da'imah, 1/103]He also mentioned that he spent some time in Makkah and fell ill without any physicians or medicine available, so he cured himself by reciting Surah Al-Fātihah. He would take some Zamzam water and recite Surah Al-Fātihah over it several times and drink it-and he would be completely cured. After that, he would rely on that for many ailments and found this remedy to be of utmost benefit. [Zād Al-Ma'ād 4/178]The committee of major scholars with Imām Ibn Baz (Ra) at the head stated: “There is no harm in reciting into Zamzam for the purpose of seeking cure just as one does with other types of water. Rather, Zamzam water is more deserving due to what it has of blessings, remedy and cure based on the narrations." [Fatāwā Al-Lajnah Ad-Daimah 1/310, no. 992]Imam Ibn Baz (Ra) also said: “It is recommended to drink Zamzam water, and there is no harm in making wudū from it, or to wash one's garment with it, or to wash oneself after visiting the toilet with it or to take a bath with it after sexual relations." [Nur'alad-Darb broadcast with Ibn Baz, 11/11/1414AH.]


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