105. What to do in the beginning of the evening
When night falls [i.e., at al-Maghrib], restrain your children [from going out] because at such time the devils spread about. After a period of time has passed, let them be. Shut your doors and mention Allah"s name, for verily the devil does not open a shut door, tie up your water-skins and mention Allah"s name, cover your vessels with anything and mention Allah"s name and put out your lamps.'
Related Duas:
Dua to stay safe from the evil of the nafs
When entering the market, city or workplace
Dua to stay free from hatred and animosity
Dua of custody from evil eye and disease
Sura Ikhlas, Falaq & Nas
Excellence of dua in the morning & evening
Dua in the morning & evening #4
Dua in the morning #2
Dua in the morning & evening #5
Asking for pardon, wellbeing and refuge from all sides
Asking for Beneficial Knowledge, Pure Rizq & Accepted Deeds