Section: When angry

374. Dua in an angry state

أَعُوْذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

اَعُوْذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنْ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيْمِ

A'oodhu billaahi minash-Shaytaanir-rajeem


I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast.

Allah says: And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

ReferenceHa-meem Sajdah 41:36

375. Prayer for the suppression of anger #1

Narrated by Sulaiman bin Surad: A man from the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Two men abused each other in front of the Prophet (ﷺ) and one of them became angry and his anger became so intense that his face became swollen and changed. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "I know a word the saying of which will cause him to relax if he does say it." Then a man went to him and informed him of the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ) and said, "Seek refuge with Allah from Satan." On that, angry man said, 'Do you find anything wrong with me? Am I insane? Go away!"

ReferenceBukhari: 6048

376. Prayer for the suppression of anger #2

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger."

ReferenceBukhari: 6114


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